This page shows an example of the 'index' macro.
Macro code
The next section on this page, under the heading 'Macro result', contains the following macro code:
Macro result
Space Index
0-9 ... 0 |
A ... 8 |
B ... 1 |
C ... 14 |
D ... 1 |
E ... 5 |
F ... 2 |
G ... 0 |
H ... 4 |
I ... 3 |
J ... 1 |
K ... 0 |
L ... 1 |
M ... 3 |
N ... 0 |
O ... 0 |
P ... 5 |
Q ... 1 |
R ... 3 |
S ... 3 |
T ... 3 |
U ... 3 |
V ... 0 |
W ... 4 |
X ... 0 |
Y ... 0 |
Z ... 0 |
!@#$ ... 0 |
A note to Confluence administrators
tutorial Tutorial is designed primarily for evaluators who have recently downloaded and installed Confluence. If you have already deployed Confluence in your organisation, and are using the tutorial to provide a general introduction for new users on your wiki, please note that the tutorial ...
Adding a comment to a page
Now you will add a comment to the page that you previously created. (See Creating a page.) # Go to your new page. (/) For assistance on finding the page, please see Using the Dashboard earlier in the tutorial. \\ \\ # Click the 'Add Comment' link at the bottom of the page ...
Adding content to a page
page: In the previous step Creating a page, you created a page with some sample content. Now you will edit the page you have created and add some more content. Opening the page for editing # If you are not already viewing the page, go ...
Advanced topics
you have used Confluence before, you may be interested in the following advanced topics: \\ \\ If you are new to Confluence, you may like to start with the Tutorial
Archiving email
Confluence can archive emails which is useful for tracking information over a long period of time, and for permanently referencing emails from within documents. \\ Email archiving allows you to: Keep a history of interaction with your clients, colleagues or friends. Refer ...
Atlassian Colours
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Example Design Team Page !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Atlassian Cotton If you have a company standard colour scheme that should be used in all of your publicfacing resources, record them on the wiki so that others can find them ...
Atlassian Cotton
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Atlassian Colours !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Atlassian Logos Confluence is a great tool for sharing images with your staff, customers or anyone on the internet. Below is a gallery of all the Atlassian Shirts that the Design Team have created. You could use ...
Atlassian Logos
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Atlassian Cotton !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! PowerPoint Templates Rather than being hassled by employees looking for Atlassian's product logos, the Design Team have made them available by attaching them to a Confluence page. Users are able to preview ...
Buddy System
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Recruitment !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Company Birthday List \\ \\ Use the rich text editor to author and format documents like this overview of the Buddy System. Once the document is complete and ready to publish, simply export the document to PDF for presentation as an ...
Community - Hover Profile
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Confluence Roadmap Goal Show quickly and conveniently key details about a Confluence user wherever that user's name appears. Mockup !0.02.1.png thumbnail! Use Cases # Sees popup with details about the user as per the mockup # More menu ...
Community - Profile
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Confluence Roadmap Goal Give users richer profiles that contained 'structured' data that can be used by Confluence. Mockup !0.01.6.png thumbnail! Use Cases # User can specify profile details about themselves. # Admins can edit users ...
Company Birthday List
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Buddy List !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Have Fun \\ \\ The table below is actually an Excel Spreadsheet that has been embedded in the page using the Office Connector You can also embed ...
Company Induction
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Example Human Resources Page !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! HR Policies and Procedures \\ \\ The Human Resources team uses tasklists Creating a task list to assign and prioritise simple tasks for new employees. Add a new task to this list Change ...
Confluence 3.1 Release Dashboard
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Confluence Roadmap !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Planned Feature Specifications\\ \\ The Confluence Development Team always knows its status relative to plan. At the end of each week, the team updates the issues table below to show which issues were ...
Confluence Induction
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Leave Planning !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Examples \\ \\ Confluence can help development teams get new new members up to speed quickly so that they're fixing bugs sooner and detracting less from highly productive members ...
Confluence Roadmap
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Example Development Team Page !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Confluence 3.1 Release Dashboard Confluence 3.1 (Q4 2009) Headline Themes and Features Integration with Gadgets Cross Product Integration: Display confluence content inside JIRA dashboard ...
Creating a blog post
Now you will create a blog post in your new space. \\ \\ (/) Hint: Perform these instructions in the new browser window which you opened previously. (See Creating a space). \\ \\ # Under the 'Add' menu, select 'Blog Post'. !ImagesAddBlogPostMenu.png border=1,bordercolor ...
Creating a page
Now you will create a page in your new space. \\ \\ (/) Hint: Perform these instructions in the new browser window which you opened previously. (See Creating a space). \\ \\ # Under the 'Add' menu, select 'Page'. !ImagesAddPageMenu.png border=1,bordercolor=gray!\\ \\ # A new ...
Creating a space
Now that you have seen how the menus Using the menus work, you are ready to start creating content in Confluence. Let's begin by adding a new space. # Log in to Confluence, if you are not logged in already, by clicking the 'Log In' link at the top right ...
Creating a task list
tasklist' macro allows you to create lists of tasks which need to be performed and keep track of who has completed them. Mary to preview her presentation with the team Tony to call meeting with investors Tony to book catering Mary to finalise ...
Creating a thumbnail gallery
Images look very effective when included within Confluence. Confluence allows you to easily display images as thumbnails, i.e. miniature images. . Including single images and displaying them as thumbnails When you insert an image onto ...
Creating an index
page shows an example of the 'index' macro. Macro code The next section on this page, under the heading 'Macro result', contains the following macro code: Macro result The example at left shows how to create an index based on page ...
Creating pages and linking
very useful aspect of Confluence is rapid page creation based on linking. Creating new pages through links There are two ways to create a new page: The first is to hit 'Add Page' in the menu. You will find detailed instructions in the tutorial Creating ...
Displaying source code
code' macro is a useful way of presenting source code in an easytoread format on your Confluence pages. Its use is very straightforward: simply enclose your source code between \ elements. Here are some examples: XML <test> <another ...
Example Design Team Page
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Examples !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Atlassian Colours\\ \\ Click on the {}Next{} and {}Previous{} buttons on the right and left of each page to navigate throughout this example. !DesignHome.png width=603,height=403! Welcome The Design Team space is a repository for visual aspects of the Atlassian ...
Example Development Team Page
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Examples !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Confluence Roadmap \\ \\ The Confluence Development Team at Atlassian uses Confluence to induct new members, collaborate on feature specifications and hit key milestones on time. Click into each of the links in the yellow box below to see ...
Example Human Resources Page
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Examples !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Company Induction\\ \\ Your Human Resources team can use Confluence for presenting important HRrelated documents and processes. Click through the slideshow below to see how the HR team presents the company mission ...
Example Sales Team Page
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Examples !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Meeting Notes \\ \\ Teams can use Confluence to collaborate internally and share information with the rest of the organization. Here's an example of how a sales team uses Confluence. Click into each one of the Quick Links ...
real world examples of how Confluence can be used in your organisation. As you go through these examples, look at the underlying markup to see how the pages were created. (See the markup by selecting View Wiki Markup from the Tools menu ...
Featured Plugins
ds:Imagespluginsicon.png aligh=left,width=70,height=64! Confluence's plugin system makes it easy to customise and extend Confluence for your specific intranet, documentation and collaboration needs. We've highlighted a few plugins that you may like to check out ...
Formatting content
Confluence pages are written in a simple markup language based on Textile By using this simple markup, Confluence makes it easy for your team to create and share content together. \\ Here is a short example of some typical markup ...
Have Fun
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Company Birthday List !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! How the Talent Team at Atlassian use Confluence \\ \\ Confluence lets you easily embed content from popular usergenerated sites like Youtube, Flickr, Slideshare, Google, Twitter and many ...
Home page:
Welcome to Confluence !Imagesimgwelcome.png width=590,height=279! Examples and Tutorials \\ !Imagesbtnexamples.png! Examples\\ \\ !Imagesbtntutorial.png! Tutorial\\ \\ !Imagesbtnadvanced.png! Advanced topics\\ \\ !Imagesbtnplugins.png! Featured Plugins
How the Talent Team at Atlassian use Confluence
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Have Fun !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Examples\\ \\ Confluence lets you easily embed content from popular usergenerated sites like Youtube, Flickr, Slideshare, Google, Twitter and many other others. Add a YouTube video to this page ...
HR Policies and Procedures
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Company Induction !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Recruitment \\ \\ Human resources uses attachments to share important tax forms and templates with employees. Click the {}view{} link on one of the attachments below to view its contents. Upload a new attachment to the page ...
Image Browser Spec
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Planned Feature Specifications Goal Make it easier to import media onto a page by providing better previews, easier attaching of files with less steps, and make everything prettier by using the new dialog box styles. Also allow a tab ...
Insert Menu Spec
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Planned Feature Specifications Goal The amount of rich objects (embedded videos, office documents, images, links) that can be added to Confluence has grown rapidly over the last two releases. The insert menu is a drop down that gives users ...
Integrating with JIRA
JIRA is Atlassian's issue tracking system. Confluence and JIRA can be used together, allowing the integration of a content management solution with an issue tracker. For example, the JIRA Issues macro can be used to display a list ...
Users can customize their personal spaces to express themselves and let their teammates know what they're working on. Click on one of the vacation photos image gallery Creating a thumbnail gallery below to view a slideshow Update your own personal space ...
Leave Planning
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Planned Feature Specifications !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Confluence Induction The Confluence team uses tables to communicate scheduled leave times, an imperative part of resource planning and project management. Edit Using the menus this page and add your ...
Macro Browser Spec
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Confluence Roadmap Goal Present a visual listing of the macros that are available to the user showing the name, icon, screenshot, live view, and editable parameters and allow for simple insertion into the wiki page. Mockups !0.04c.3.jpg thumbnail! !0.04b.2.jpg thumbnail! !0.04a.1.jpg thumbnail ...
Meeting Notes
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Example Sales Team Page !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Sales Reports \\ \\ The sales team uses Confluence to take notes during their weekly team meeting. Create a new meeting notes page Creating a page using the meeting notes ...
More information
Once you have completed the tutorial Tutorial and read the advanced topics Advanced Topics, you may want to refer to the Confluence online documentation. Detailed instructions on using and administering Confluence Confluence User Guide ...
Planned Feature Specifications
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Confluence 3.1 Release Dashboard !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Leave Planning Use Confluence to create and collaborate on product specification documents. Click into the {}Quick Navigation Spec{} link below to see how the Confluence team writes a basic feature ...
Plugins for Documentation
page: Copy existing spaces Back to top #top Manage approvals and workflows Back to top #top Manage tasks and get everyone involved Back to top #top Collaborative webbased diagrams Back to top #top Other plugins preinstalled ...
Plugins for Intranets
page: Manage tasks and get everyone involved Back to top #top Skin and theme your intranet Back to top #top Collaborative webbased diagrams Back to top #top Create mockup diagrams Back to top #top Other plugins ...
Plugins for Knowledge Management
page: Keep your content fresh and relevant Back to top #top Manage approvals and workflows Back to top #top Allow users to rate your content Back to top #top Other plugins preinstalled Back to top #top More ...
PowerPoint Templates
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Atlassian Logos!Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Examples The Design Team uses Confluence to to make company standard templates available to employees. Rather than storing these files on a network shared drive, they have instead attached them to a Confluence page ...
Quick Navigation Spec
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Planned Feature Specifications Writing a product specification requires input and feedback from many different people. With Confluence, product managers, engineers and technical writers can make their changes or comments directly in the product specification page. With version control ...
Re-ordering pages
following instructions will show you how to view the hierarchy of pages within a space, and move pages to different positions within the hierarchy. (/) It is suggested that you use the new space that you created during the Tutorial (see 'Creating a space'). PART ...
Imagesbtnprevious.png! HR Policies and Procedures !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Buddy System \\ \\ Images and charts can sometimes communicate complex concepts better than text. For example, your HR team might use images to explain the company recruiting processes ...
Request Leave Form
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Example Human Resources Page
Sales Reports
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Meeting Notes !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Team Blog \\ \\ The sales team uses charts to create a sales dashboard showing their performance relative to plan. Once you become an advanced user, you can connect the charts to your ...
Sales Tools
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Team Blog !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Examples\\ \\ Confluence lets you easily embed content from popular usergenerated sites like Youtube, Flickr, Slideshare, Google, Twitter and many other others. Add a YouTube video to this page ...
Searching Confluence content
Confluence can search content including pages, blog posts, emails, Microsoft Word documents and Excel spreadsheets, PDF documents, and more. \\ \\ As well as using the search box at the top right of every Confluence page for ad hoc searches, you ...
Team Blog
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Sales Reports !Imagesbtnnext.png align=right! Sales Tools \\ \\ Blogs are a handy way teams to provide updates, share ideas and engage in conversations around those ideas. Comment on one of the blog posts below. First click the blog post ...
tutorial will help you get started with Confluence: \\ \\ !Imagesbtnnext.png! Using the menus What is a space? A space is an area within Confluence, containing your wiki pages. You can think of each space as a subsite, or minisite, each with its own ...
Tutorial (all on one page)
Welcome to the tutorial on a page\! This page contains all the topics from the tutorial Tutorial. On this page: Using the menus Creating a space Creating a page Adding content to a page Using the Dashboard Updating your user profile Adding a comment to a page Creating ...
Updating your user profile
Now you will change your Confluence 'Full Name' (that is, the name by which you are known to other Confluence users) and profile picture (that is, the picture by which you are known to other Confluence users). # Log in to Confluence, if you are not logged in already, by clicking the 'Log ...
Using the Dashboard
Now you will use the Dashboard to navigate to the new page and the new space that you created in previous steps of this tutorial. # Rightclick the 'Dashboard' link at the top left of your screen, and open the link in a new browser window. !ImagesDashboardRightClick.png border=1,bordercolor=gray ...
Using the menus
image below gives an overview of the menus in Confluence. The menus give you access to all the available actions on your Confluence site. \\ \\ !imagesMenuOverview.png! \\ \\ Menu or option Explanation Browse menu The 'Browse' menu gives access to wiki content such as pages ...
Week 27 Meeting Notes
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Meeting Notes This page was created using the Meeting Notes page template Attendees Josh Boots Kevin Matt Completed last week Sales Collateral updates 30 customer questions answered Webinar revamp Working on this week Continue ...
Week 28 Meeting Notes
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Meeting Notes \\ This page was created using the Meeting Notes page template Attendees Matt Josh Kevin Boots Completed last week Sales Collateral updates only 25 customer questions answered because of offsite Webinar revamp ...
Week 29 Meeting Notes
Imagesbtnprevious.png! Meeting Notes \\ This page was created using the Meeting Notes page template Meeting Notes for Week 29 Attendees Josh Boots Kevin Matt Completed last week Sales Collateral updates 30 customer questions answered Webinar ...
Working with RSS
RSS is generally used to notify others of the latest news and updates to a site. Confluence reads incoming RSS and creates outgoing RSS. It allows you to stay informed of the latest current affairs of others and allows you to tell them of your own ...
The example at left shows how to create an index based on page titles.
Alternatively, you may want to use labels to create an index. Once you have tagged your pages with appropriate labels, you can simply link to the space's 'Labels' page ('Browse', 'Labels') to display an index. |