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Confluence can search content including pages, blog posts, emails, Microsoft Word documents and Excel spreadsheets, PDF documents, and more.

As well as using the search box at the top right of every Confluence page for ad hoc searches, you can use the 'Search' macro to embed particular search results in a particular page.

E.g. you could use the following code to find content that contains the word 'tutorial': 


... giving this:

Found 9 search result(s) for tutorial.

Page: Tutorial (Demonstration Space)
... options; LDAP compatibility and more. (/) If you prefer, you can see the whole tutorial on one page Tutorial (all on one pageTutorial This tutorial will help you get started with Confluence: \\ \\ !Imagesbtnnext.png! Using the menus What is a space
Mar 30, 2010
Page: Tutorial (all on one page) (Demonstration Space)
Tutorial (all on one page) Welcome to the tutorial on a page\! This page contains all the topics from the tutorial Tutorial. On this page: Using the menus Creating a space Creating a page Adding content to a page ...
Mar 30, 2010
Page: A note to Confluence administrators (Demonstration Space)
... note to Confluence administrators The tutorial Tutorial is designed primarily for evaluators who have recently downloaded and installed Confluence. If you ... tutorial to provide a general introduction for new users on your wiki, please note that the tutorial
Mar 30, 2010
Labels: administrators
Home page: Home (Demonstration Space)
Home Welcome to Confluence !Imagesimgwelcome.png width=590,height=279! Examples and Tutorials \\ !Imagesbtnexamples.png! Examples\\ \\ !Imagesbtntutorial.png! Tutorial\\ \\ !Imagesbtnadvanced.png! Advanced topics\\ \\ !Imagesbtnplugins.png! Featured Plugins
Mar 30, 2010
File btn_tutorial.png (Demonstration Space > _Images)
Image - 5 kB - Mar 30, 2010 - Download - Attachments
Page: Advanced topics (Demonstration Space)
... following advanced topics: \\ \\ If you are new to Confluence, you may like to start with the Tutorial
Mar 30, 2010
Labels: advanced
Page: More information (Demonstration Space)
More information Once you have completed the tutorial Tutorial and read the advanced topics Advanced Topics, you may want to refer to the Confluence ...
Mar 30, 2010
Page: Adding a comment to a page (Demonstration Space)
... new page. (/) For assistance on finding the page, please see Using the Dashboard earlier in the tutorial. \\ \\ # Click the 'Add Comment' link at the bottom of the page. !ImagesAddCommentLink.png border=1,bordercolor=gray ... example. \\ !Imagesbtnprevious.png! Updating your user profile   !Imagesbtnnext.png! Creating a blog post \\ \\ In the
Mar 30, 2010
Page: Creating a blog post (Demonstration Space)
... see the documentation Congratulations, you have finished the Tutorial\! Next, you may like to see some examples of wiki pages Examples ... look at our other documentation More information. \\ !Imagesbtnprevious.png! Adding a comment to a page\\ \\ In the
Mar 30, 2010
The Confluence search engine is based on Lucene. It begins working as soon as you install Confluence and can build search indices on a wide range of document types: blogs, pages, comments, attachments, etc.

For more information about performing a search on your Confluence content, please see the documentation

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