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h6. 2.\- Should I use a tactile screen or can I use it with mouse and keyboard?

Tactile screens provide an easier, faster experience with Galicaster, but you can use it with a regular screen. Remember to activate the mouse pointer in the configuration file.

Review your ingest configuration carefully, make sure that your Matterhorn account is valid for digest authentication and check if your computer belongs to a network with access to the Opencast Matterhorn server you are trying to connect to.

h6. 12.\- After making a recording with presenter and presentation tracks, both are shown on the same screen when I play it in Galicaster.

h6. 12.\- I want to modify Galicaster for my own purposes, how can I do that?

Galicaster is release under a license which allows the users to modify the Software. Please send us back your modifications and let us know of any problems you may find at making them. Before you start refactoring, get in touch with us to avoid replicating work that we may be already doing. {color:red}Esto non ten moito sentido. A licencia de Galicaster autoriza ós usuarios a modificar os software para si mesmos, pero o que queremos é que nos envíen modificacións para incorporalos ó código "oficial", cousa que non queda clara neste párrafo. Por que non redactalo en castelán/galego e despois traducilo dende aí?{color}

If you want to join the project, please contact us.

h6. 13.\- After making a recording with presenter and presentation tracks, both are shown on the same screen when I play it in Galicaster.

Make sure that {{conf.ini}} does not have two video tracks with the same flavor (video tracks are Hauppage, VGA2USB and v4l2).