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Why you need Galicaster

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It's multistream

Galicaster records multiple video and audio stream, synchronously
Galicaster is released on a share license that allows you to download and use it for free.

It has live feedback

Every stream is previewed on its graphical interface. In addition audio is monitored with a vu-meter and visual warnings.

It's automatic

Once you scheduled a recording everything runs automatically. Once finished the recording it's send to your designated Opencast Matterhorn Server.

You can manage your media

All the recordings you make can be browsed, played, deleted, zipped etc.

It helps you record.

You can control the recordings, starting, pausing, scheduling and stopping. You have a red pilot on top of the screen warning you are ON AIR and a vu-meter monitoring the audio level. And you can see yourself being recorded
Galicaster works

You don't need anything else.

All-in-on capturer, all streams are handled by the same unit. You don't need scalators, krammers, video adaptors.
All being said, a mixer is useful

It's updated

Galicaster works on Ubuntu 12.04, Python and Gstreamer, all state-of-the-art projects. It is maintained by a team of developers which are introducing new features on every new release.

It's free

Galicaster is released on a share license that allows you to download and use it for free.

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