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Trunk version

0.1 Recording prototype
0.2 Basic User Interface
0.3 Basic Player (separated)
0.4 Recorder w/ state machine
0.5 Player & Recorder Integration
0.55 Mediapackage managing (separated)
0.6 Mediapackage managing integrated

0.65 Metadata edition - 1st alpha version
0.66 Vumeter
0.68 Seeking

0.7 Repository module: Massive recording management
0.71 Player integrated on repository
0.72 Metadata edititon integrated on repository
0.73 Ingest, Delete and Export/Import Zip

0.80 Pypi design
0.81 iCal Handling
0.82 Matterhorn Scheduler
0.83 Heavy task  threading

Current Development

0.9 UI Device Configurator
Advanced Audio control

Galicaster Class

(based on trunk 0.8)

0.1 Recording alone version

Touchscreen interface
Audio warning
Event timer

Galicaster Mobile

(based on trunk 0.9)

Future features
Hardware Configuration Assistant
Compatibility with more cards
Full Graphic Interface User
Remote control

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