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In this section you will find specific solutions for specific needs.

UDEV rules

Create the file /etc/udev/rules.d/galicaster.rules, which will contain the udev rules that will be applied to the devices.

These are some configuration examples:

KERNEL=="video[0-9]*", ATTR{name}=="Epiphan VGA2USB #V2U19350", GROUP="video", SYMLINK+="screen"
KERNEL=="video[0-9]*", ATTR{name}=="ivtv0 encoder MPG", GROUP="video", SYMLINK+="camera"
KERNEL=="video[0-9]*", ATTR{name}=="UVC Camera (046d:0821)", GROUP="video", SYMLINK+="webcam"
KERNEL=="video[0-9]*", ATTR{name}=="ivtv0 encoder MPG", GROUP="video", SYMLINK+="haucamera"
KERNEL=="video[0-9]*", ATTR{name}=="ivtv0 encoder YUV", GROUP="video", SYMLINK+="hauprevideo"
KERNEL=="video[0-9]*", ATTR{name}=="ivtv0 encoder PCM", GROUP="audio", SYMLINK+="haupreaudio"

For newer Epiphan drivers:

KERNEL=="video[0-9]*", ATTR{name}=="vga2usb", SYMLINK+="screen"

Use the following command to find out the value of ATTR{name} for a specific device:

   $ udevadm info --attribute-walk --name=${device}

substituting "${device}" for the device's mount point (e.g. /dev/video0)

Galicaster Autostart

Once installed, create the file galicaster.desktop in the folder ~/.config/autostart/, with the following contents:

[Desktop Entry]
Exec=python "/home/galicaster/src/galicaster1.1/run_galicaster.py"

Warning: Some paths may need to be adjusted to your actual environment.

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