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Galicaster Dashboard

compared with
Current by Ruben González
on mar 27, 2014 10:07.

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Changes (12)

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* Compatible with Galicaster units and Opencast Matterhorn standard capturers.
* It's a standard Opencast-Matterhorn Bundle.
* Gathers of information such as: state, logs, free space, active tracks, etc.
* Overview the agent's UI through screen snapshots updated every few seconds.
* Browse your schedule in a calendar view.
* Manage your recording schedule in a drag-and-drop calendar (Google Calendar style).
* Access to the agent via VNC and SSH.

h4. Galicaster Dashboard Main features (Screencast)

{widget:url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7eu6F5agIA {widget:url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eM69Q5rCjPI | width=80% }

h2. First Alpha version - now available\!

The first demo version of Galicaster Dashboard is already available\! Please follow the [installation instructions|#Installationinstructions] to try it in your system.

h2. View modes




h5. Download Galicaster Dashboard (alpha) (1.0.0-RC1)


[!download.png|align=center,width=120!|http://webfiler.teltek.es/webfiler/galicaster/GalicasterDashboard-alpha.tgz]\\ [!download.png|align=center,width=120!|http://webfiler.teltek.es/webfiler/galicaster/GalicasterDashboard-1.0.0-RC1.tgz]\\

{center}By downloading, you agree to the [non-commercial license|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/].

If you are looking for the source code of any release of Galicaste-Dashboard, take a look into the [*Release Archive*|Galicaster:Galicaster Dashboard - Release Archive]. You also can consult our [Git repository|http://github.com/teltek/Galicaster] for our [*Git repository*|http://github.com/teltek/Dashboard] for development and source-code information.

h4. Screenshots Documentation
* [*Installation* |Galicaster:Galicaster Dashboard - Installation Guide]
* [*Configuration* |Galicaster:Galicaster Dashboard - Configuration Guide]

h4. Screenshots