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Galicaster Class (old)

Version 9 by developer
on sep 12, 2011 16:37.

compared with
Current by developer
on sep 29, 2011 16:07.

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Changes (16)

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{column:width=68%}Galicaster Class is our first full working alpha version of Galicaster. Two prototypes of a GClass Capture Agent would be deployed this Fall semester on either faculties of the University of Vigo.
*Galicaster Class* is the first full working version of Galicaster. It's adapted to a classroom environment and designed to work as an designed to work as an *automatic capture agent* connected to an [Opencast-Matterhorn|http://opencast.org/matterhorn/] 1.2 server, allowing us to schedule multiple recordings remotely and ingest them automatically - for those who don't know the Matterhorn schematics, the recording would be sent to the server where it will be processed and published afterwards.

Galicaster Class its designed to work as an automatic capture agent connected to an [Opencast-Matterhorn|http://opencast.org/matterhorn/] 1.2 server, allowing us to schedule multiple recordings remotely. When a recording its finished it will be ingested automaticly - for those who don't know the Matterhorn schematics, the recording would be sended to the server where it will be processed and published.

On the user perspective, the teacher-user would have a *preview of both camera and presentation*, a recording pilot light as well as a timer for the next start or stop of a recording. On the audio side, Galicaster Class comes with a *simple VU meter* and a automatic warning if the microphone its muted.

On the user perspective, the teacher-user would have a preview of both camera and presention, a recording pilot as well as a timer for the next recording. About the audio Galicaster Class comes with a simple vumeter and a automatic warning if the microphone its muted.
*Check out the screencast* we made showing the basic features on the GClass prototype or take a closer look to the interface on the margin.



h5. *Features*

* Tactile interface
* Remote scheduled recording
* Timing visualization
* Manual Recording
* User privilege managment
* Muted audio warning and vumeter
* Pausable recordings



{column:width=25%} !galicaster_class.png!\\
{column:width=23%} !galicaster_class.png|align=left!


!screencast2.JPG|align=left,thumbnail! !frontal_pequena.JPG|align=center,thumbnail!