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Changes (4)
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* Before starting to talk, unmute the microphone - check the audio level on the vumeter on the Galicaster's screen.
* After a recording, place the microphone back on its bay in order to charge it for the next lecture.
* After a recording, place the microphone back on its bay in order to charge it for the next lecture.
h5. User Guide
h5. User Guide
* [Recorder|User Guide - Recorder]
** *[Preparing for a recording|Galicaster:User Guide - Preparing for a recording]*
** [Scheduled recordings|Galicaster:User Guide - Scheduled recordings]
** [Manual recordings|User Guide - Manual recordings]
* [Media Manager|User Guide - Media Manager]
** [Metadata|Galicaster:User Guide - Metadata]
** [Operations|Galicaster:User Guide - Operations]
** *[Preparing for a recording|Galicaster:User Guide - Preparing for a recording]*
** [Scheduled recordings|Galicaster:User Guide - Scheduled recordings]
** [Manual recordings|User Guide - Manual recordings]
* [Media Manager|User Guide - Media Manager]
** [Metadata|Galicaster:User Guide - Metadata]
** [Operations|Galicaster:User Guide - Operations]
h4. Connect the computer and share the signal