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Hardware Solutions

Version 7 by developer
on oct 07, 2011 16:31.

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Current by developer
on oct 07, 2011 20:29.

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One of the main goals of the Galicaster project is to provide end-to-end solutions. , Therefore, as part of the developing process, the selection and adaptability of suitable hardware to fulfill the needs of diferent scenarios is taken into acconut. account.

Depending on the hardware installed we have two different levels of requirements. If we use a HD webcam we will need Intel i5 or higher processor. In case we use a TV signal capturer, then our needs lower to a Dual Core processor.

In the case of an I5 processor, we may use this powerful computer to fullfill other needs in our system, using the unit as a part-time worker - even full-time. We will take a look into it a little further

h5. Capturer-worker unit

On those capturers equiped with a HD webcam we have to encode the video stream by Software, that's why we need a powerfull machine. It's easy to realize that a capturer won't be working more than 12 hours, so we have an computer iddle for half a day. In this period we can use the capturer as a part-time worker ( full-time if we have a i7 processor).

This matter gets crutial when we increase the number of rooms and, subsequently, the amount of hours of recordings. So, the scalability of the whole production system becomes a major concern. A network of capturer-workers guarantees a balanced scalabality between hours of recordings and processing capabilities.

\[V4L2 compatibility\]

h5. Capturer unit

h4. Scenarios

So far we are working on four main scenarios and their equipments: a totem alike installation, a fix installation, an access grid facility and a video-conferece. The hardware installed on the latest two scenarios can be used as part of the Galicaster system, thus saving resources.