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Galicaster Cube2

Version 8 by developer
on ago 21, 2013 11:15.

compared with
Version 9 by developer
on ago 21, 2013 11:27.

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Galicaster units answer the needs for a constant development and integration within the system administration of your institution or company allowing the use of typical monitoring tools. Our units are assembled as clonics computers with mainstream heavy duty computer components which pass additional testing and resist the day-to-day work of production systems.

In addition, Teltek provides advise and support not only for your unit but also for the *adaptation and enhacement of facilities* to a renewed multistream environment, the *set up of a Opencast Matterhorn cluster* and the *publishing of media* through channels such as Youtube, iTunes-U, media portals, Moodle, Pumukit, Paella Player and others.

Teltek's units are configured to activate a secure network channel to provide immediate remote support.

h4. CUBE2 use cases:

h4. Galicaster CUBE2 models:

Galicaster units can capture multiple video formats and combine different audivisual sources, even several combinations on the same unit. For simplicity we include the usual camera-+slides capture combinations, including:

* *SD + DVI*: Ideal to keep using your SD video cameras
** Camera: Svideo, Composite and Components on PAL/NTSC formats.

Consult Teltek for more details on resolution and format limitations.
Custom configurations available on demand.

h4. Common specifications:

* Intel core i7 CPU
* 2x500GB HDD (RAID-1 hardware controller)
* Minitower box with silent power supply
* DVI video input up to 1080p @ 60 fps
* Latest version of Galicaster SW installed and tested. Profiles adapted to your model.
* Ready for Remote supervision
* Ready for TELTEK Remote support

Custom configurations available on demand, various combinations can be installed on the same unit.

Native resolution 720p |
| *CPU* \\
*Memory* \\ | Core i7-2700K \\
4 GB RAM DDR3 \\ |
| *Storage* | 500 GB HDD RAID-1 by HW |
| | |
| | |
| *Fans* | <-19 dB (silent)\\ |
| *Case* \\ | Mini-tower (mini-itxx) \\ |
| *Remote support*\\ | available on demand\\ |

*Wireless Keyboard & Touchpad can be included*