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Galicaster Dashboard

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Version 41 by developer
on jun 06, 2013 16:59.

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*Galicaster Dashboard* is a web-based solution to monitor and manage a great number of Capture Agents. Galicaster Dashboard takes advantage of the Opencast Matterhorn capture agent API, so any agent implementing it can be accessed by the Dashboard, including Galicaster and the standard capture agent.

# Clone the necessary bundles from Teltek's Github into the {{$\{MH_SRC\}/modules}} directory.
{{Cousa juapa chico}}
# Make sure your current Matterhorn version matches the one in the Dashboard {{pom.xml}} file:
#* Check your exact Matterhorn version by examining the first {{<version>}} tag within the {{$\{MH_SRC\}/pom.xml}} file.
#* Substitute that value in the {{<matterhorn.version>}} tags within the Dashboard {{pom.xml}} file.
#* You can do this in one step by running the following command from within the {{$\{MH_SRC\}/modules/galicaster-dashboard}} directory (the one you have just {{clone}}'d from git):
{{cd $\{MH_SRC}/modules/galicaster-dashboard}}
{{sed -i "/<matterhorn.version>\[^>]\+<\/matterhorn.version>/s//<matterhorn.version>$(grep -m 1 "<version>" ../../pom.xml | cut -d'>' -f2 | cut -d'<' -f1)<\/matterhorn.version>/" pom.xml}}
# Compile the bundles with Maven:
#* 1.3 and earlier:
{{cd $\{MH_SRC}/modules/galicaster-dashboard}}
{{mvn clean install -DdeployTo=$\{FELIX_HOME}/matterhorn}}
#* 1.4 and above:
{{cd $\{MH_SRC}/modules/galicaster-dashboard}}
{{mvn clean install -DdeployTo=$\{MH_SRC}}}
# If {{maven}} returns with no errors, the Dashboard should be available at:

h2. Configuration

The Dashboard service configuration file should be located in {{org.galicaster.dashboard.DashboardService.properties}}. It will not exist the first time you use the Dashboard, but the service will work correctly even if the file does not exist. Therefore, you may create the file only if you need to specify some of the configuration properties allowed by the service.
Those properties are:
* {{agent.<agent_name>.vnc.password}}: This property sets up the password required to establish a VNC connection with the agent {{<agent_name>}}.
* {{default.vnc.password}}: This property sets up a global password, which is only used when a certain agent's password is not explicitly defined.

The following example illustrates how the properties defined above are used:

When the Dashboard needs to establish a VNC connection with the agent {{GC-example}}, the password used will be, in that order:
# If defined, the value of {{agent.GC-example.vnc.password}}.
# If defined, the value of {{default.vnc.password}}.
# No password will be used.

