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Galicaster Dashboard

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Clicking on a given schedule will open a form where the recording metadata can be edited. This form also provides a finer control of the schedule parameters.

h2. Installation process

The Dashboard is packaged as a Matterhorn bundle, so it can be easily deployed in any Matterhorn installation. Since it depends on certain Matterhorn services to work, *it must be installed in the {{admin}} server*. In the following steps, {{$\{MH_SRC\}}} denotes the directory where the Matterhorn source code is, and {{$\{FELIX_HOME\}}} the directory where the Felix instance is installed (for Matterhorn versions under or equal to 1.3).

# Clone the necessary bundles from Teltek's Github into the {{$\{MH_SRC\}/modules}} directory.
{code:none}git clone git://github.com/teltek/galicaster-dashboard.git $\{MH_SRC\}/modules {code}
# Make sure your current Matterhorn version matches the one in the Dashboard {{pom.xml}} file:
#* Check your exact Matterhorn version by examining the first {{<version>}} tag within the {{$\{MH_SRC\}/pom.xml}} file.
#* Substitute that value in the {{<matterhorn.version>}} tags within the Dashboard {{pom.xml}} file.
#* You can do this in one step by running the following command from within the {{$\{MH_SRC\}/modules/galicaster-dashboard}} directory (the one you have just {{clone}}'d from git):
cd $\{MH_SRC\}/modules/galicaster-dashboard
sed -i "/<matterhorn.version>[^>]\+<\/matterhorn.version>/s//<matterhorn.version>$(grep -m 1 "<version>" ../../pom.xml | cut -d'>' -f2 | cut -d'<' -f1)<\/matterhorn.version>/" pom.xml
# Compile the bundles with Maven:
#* 1.3 and earlier:
cd ${MH_SRC}/modules/galicaster-dashboard
mvn clean install -DdeployTo=${FELIX_HOME}/matterhorn
#* 1.4 and above:
cd ${MH_SRC}/modules/galicaster-dashboard
mvn clean install -DdeployTo=${MH_SRC}
