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Galicaster suite, multistream recorder and player

Galicaster it's a suite of applications related with the recording of multistream lectures. No license fees or short term support.

Galiscater it's an open source suite, based on large communitty supported open source projects

Strengths :

Scalability: Matterhorn-GClass worker-capture

Adaptation: GClass with in-room mics and fixed tv

Mobility: GMobile

Flexibility: Manual recording

Saving resources: No edition, automatic scheduling and publishing

"Speed" : Lectures published on 24 hours top

Quality: HD video, direct VGA, microphone

Price: No licenses paid. Open source

Experience: X years of experience recording classes, recording conferences, videoconference, multimedia edition, realization

Support: Long term projects (Python, GStreamer, GTK)


Still on an early stage of development.

Basic Audio monitoring

Not compatible with Windows yet

Matterhorn issues

-------------------------------- Some slogans --------------------------------

Education anywhere, anytime

Don't worry, just pick up the microphone!

Good can be easy, Galicaster

No more worries, multistream has arrived.

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