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GALICASTER Blog from Aug 07, 2012

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July 18th 2012

In order to move forward the release process of Galicaster 1.2.0, we have decided to publish a release candidate, tagged 1.2.0rc1|, to give adopters the opportunity to take a look at the new features and give us a hand on the QA process.

An important item on this release is the fact that we are migrating Galicaster to Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. This will ensure operating system support for the next 5 years.

The package, complementary files and documentation is available here.

June 1st 2012

Hosted at Harvard University, Cambridge (Massachusets), the Unconference is an important event for the Opencast Matterhorn community. Galicaster will take part on the Capture Agent Showcase with a laptop-based Galicaster.

In addition, Teltek CEO Vicente Goyanes will introduce the "Campus do Mar" pilot and the Galicaster Project in two speeches.

May 16th 2012

As part of its 2012 Networking Conference in Reykjavik, Iceland, the TERENA Media Task-Force is holding a contest of recording & streaming systems.

Teltek is going to participate in the Terena Recording Contest, showcasing its Galicaster+Opencast Matterhorn+Pumukit system. Each team must record, send, process and publish a set of of lightning talks, one hour and a half long altogether, in less than 24 hours.

We will bring a experimental unit, consisting of a laptop with external usb capturing devices, for this event.

Galicaster 1.1 released

April 26th 2012

A new release of Galicaster has come out. New features include screensaver control, pausable recordings and multiple audio tracks support. A basic support for Blackmagic HD and SDI cards has been included. Another major improvement is its stability, due to the fixing of some bugs and glitches.

Related to Opencast-Matterhorn, Galicaster 1.1 performs series edition and harvest and allows selecting devices and local workflow parameters. Other minor changes affect the ingest system and the media manager browsing.

March 15th 2012

Following the release of Opencast Matterhorn 1.3.0, an update of Galicaster 1.0 has been released including modifications to make it compatible with both 1.2 and 1.3 Matterhorn.

March 10th 2012

To ease the communication between developers and users of Galicaster, a mailing list has been made available. For all those interested on knowing more about Galicaster please visit the Community area or suscribe directly.

February 5th 2012

Those attending the Opencast Matterhorn 2012 Unconference in Oxford (UK) could hear about Galicaster in a short talk and a workshop, where Galicaster's main developer Héctor Canto showed the internals of Galicaster, attendants could try various devices, plug their own laptops and record and playback a few minutes of recordings.

In addition, part of the event was recorded with a Galicater Mobile unit and can be watched in the Opencast Site.

Galicaster v1.0 released

December 22nd 2011

We are proud to announce the first public release of Galicaster. Key features of this very first version are: Live visual feedback, graphic manager for recordings, basic recording controls, tactile interface and compatibility with Opencast Matterhorn 1.2, allowing scheduling and ingesting.

This and further releases will be available on the Download Section.

October 21st 2011

Developers Héctor Canto and Rubén Pérez introduced the Terena community to the Galicaster project on the 5th TF-Media Meeting & Workshop, hosted in Porto (Portugal) between 26th and 28th of October.

The Galicaster presentation was scheduled for October 27th at 11:30am and provided a good insight of the goals, achievements and future plans for this effort on multimedia educational contents recording.

September 29th 2011

Today we are starting to record the Master course in Nutrition in the Access Grid facilities at the University of Vigo's main campus.

8 hours of lectures would be recorded weekly, and by taking advantage of the adaptation between Galicaster and the Access Grid technology, presenter, presentation and audio are simultaneously captured.

The media is published using a Matterhorn 1.2 Core and it is only accessible to the students registered on the master course.

Galicaster Class almost ready

September 12th 2011

After a long hard-working summer we are almost ready to install our first Galicaster Class prototype.Two classrooms on either facuties of the University of Vigo will host a GClass capture agent connected to an Opencast Matterhorn server.

As soon as posible some demos would be published for you to have a better idea of what GClass is.

June 13th 2011

After the success first trials we are working hard on publishing our first beta version. Currently we are improving our video and audio control and solving some issues with the user interface.

If you want any other information or you are interested on being a beta tester contact us. Keep posted!

May 22nd 2011

Recently we have tested our 0.65 version on a weeklong congress on fisheries and biology. We are more than satisfied with the results, having already a working, almost fully operational version.
Some raw demos are available on the following links:

http://opencastdemo.media.uvigo.es/engage/ui/watch.html?id=20d5b35f-0ad7-4515-a8d1-b833f153c69c http://opencastdemo.media.uvigo.es/engage/ui/watch.html?id=9f53672e-cccd-4e11-9e42-0b55f522ac9b