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1.1 User Guide

This area will compile all the information available about the daily use of Galicaster. Some of this information is also available in the docs folder of the source code.

Galicaster can be operated as Galicaster Class or as Galicaster Mobile, the first one driven by the lecturer and the other one only accessible by editors and technicians.

When running it as Galicaster Mobile the main page will welcome you and allow you to chose between Recorder and Media Manager. You can return to the main page any time you want, as shown in the graphic below. As Galicaster Class the Recorder is the only area available.

For a deeper information please take a look to the following pages:

Manage recordings

You can do operations like ingesting, editing metadata or deleting a recording in the User Guide - Media Manager. Just select a recording and use the different buttons available.

Play recordings

To play a video you have to enter Media Manager and select a recording. Playable recordings need to be stored in the repository folder. In the player mode, you can also ingest and delete the recording or edit its metadata.


To make a recording you have to access the User Guide - Recorder. Once there, if available, you can start recording whenever you want. Make sure that your laptop is connected and the sound activeted before start it.

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