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User Guide - Operations

Version 5 by developer
on abr 08, 2013 16:41.

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Current by developer
on abr 15, 2013 18:32.

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h5. [<< Back to User Guide|Galicaster: User Guide]



* [Export to zip:|#zip]

To perform an operation, select a recording on the Media Manager and click over the Operations button, a dialog will pop-up with the available operation for the chosen content.

h5. User Guide

* [Recorder|User Guide - Recorder]
** [Preparing for a recording|Galicaster:User Guide - Preparing for a recording]
** [Scheduled recordings|Galicaster:User Guide - Scheduled recordings]
** [Manual recordings|User Guide - Manual recordings]
* [Media Manager|User Guide - Media Manager]
** [Metadata|Galicaster:User Guide - Metadata]
** *[Operations|Galicaster:User Guide - Operations]*
*** [#Ingest]
*** [#Export to Zip]
*** [#Side by Side]


*Operations dialog*
h5. Ingest

h5. Side-by-side
_Ingest_ is the operation that sends the recordings to the publishing platform.

Ingestion requires network access and some configuration data indicating parameters of the server to connect. _Ingest_ will not be available if:

* The server configuration is wrong.
* The connection is disabled.
* The network is down.
* The server is down.
* The server is unreachable.

Once ingested, a recording can be re-ingested, but it will probably overwrite the previous one if you do it in the same server.

h5. Export to zZip

_Export to zip_ will gather all the recording streams and metadata files into a single uncompressed zip file. The zip package will be placed on the _zip_ designated folder, by default the user _Home_ folder (i.e. /home/user/).

h5. Side by Side

_Side by side_ operation exports a mediapackage streams to a single file. Once finished the resulting file will be placed on the _sidebyside_ designated folder, by default the user _Home_ folder (e.g. /home/user/).

_Note:_ Side by Side _operation is still in beta phase, it only works on mediapackages with two video streams. Otherwise the operation will fail._