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1.3.0 Release Candidate Process

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Changes (4)

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h4. Configurable logger

In this version, specifying where the logs are stored, the minimum level showed and whether the logs rotate or not is very simple:

path = /var/log/galicaster/galicaster.log
level = DEBUG
rotate = True

{note:title=Be Careful}
Make sure Galicaster has write permissions in the directory where the logs are to be kept.

Galicaster can also use the system log (syslog) instead:

use_syslog = True

h4. REST Plugin
The REST endpoint plugin for Galicaster is a module to provide an experimental endpoint interface to access some parameters and features of Galicaster.

If activated, the REST plugin will response in the localhost address through the 8080 port.

Current endpoints include:
* */screen* : get a screenshoot of the active

Activating this plugin as simple as:
rest = True

h4. Galicaster 1.3 Metadata Treatment