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1.2.0 Galicaster Configuration

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View Page History

* Sections
** [Basic|#config_basic] (Updated in 1.2.2)
** [Repository|#config_repo] (New on 1.2.2)
** [Screen|#config_screen]
** [Ingest|#config_ingest] (Updated)
** [Ingest|#config_ingest] (Updated 1.2.1)
** [Allows|#config_allows]
** [Tracks|#config_track]
*** [Generic V4L2|#v4l2]
*** [Epiphan|#vga2usb]
*** [Pulse Audio|#pulse]
*** [Blackmagic|#blackmagic] (Updated)
*** [Blackmagic|#blackmagic] (Updated in 1.2.0)
*** [Hauppauge|#hauppauge]
*** [Firewire|#firewire] (New)
*** [Videotest|#videotest] (New)
*** [Audiotest|#audiotest] (New)

*** [Firewire|#firewire] (New on 1.2)
*** [Videotest|#videotest] (New on 1.2)
*** [Audiotest|#audiotest] (New on 1.2)
* [Input profiles|Galicaster:Input Profiles] (New page)

h5. Documentation

# [Hardware recommendations|1.2.0 Hardware recommendations]
#* [Cookbook|Cookbook]
# [Software installation|1.2.0 Software installation]
#* [Galicaster:Capture cards configuration]
#* [Upgrading from older versions]
# [Configuration manual|Galicaster:1.2.0 Galicaster Configuration].
#* [Input profiles]
# [User's Guide|User Guide]
#* [FAQ|Galicaster:1.2.0 FAQ]

* [Quick installation guide|Galicaster:1.2.0 Quick installation guide]
* [Cookbook|Cookbook]\\
\\ \\

h5. Sections

The files are divided in sections. The beginning of a section is marked by a keyword indicating its title, surrounded by square brackets. Below is a detailed description of the different sections and their contents:


h6. Section {{basic}}

* {{repository}}: absolute path to the working folder. If not specified, a {{Repository}} directory in the user's home will be used.
* {{export}}: absolute path to the export folder for operations. If not specified, exported files will be placed at the user's home folder.
* {{legacy}}: activates Openacast Matterhonr 1.2 and 1.3 compatibility, excluding the namespace field on the xml files from the mediapackages. (True\|False)
* {{stopdialog}}: Enable/Disable a dialog requesting confirmation to stop the recording. Defaults to True. *(True\|False)*
* {{quit}}: Shows or hides the quit button. *(True\|False)*

stopdialog = True
quit = True



* folder_template: Name template for the repository folders. Useful on file manager navigation. By default gc_\{hostname\}_\{year\}-\{month\}-\{day\}T\{hour\}h\{minute\}m\{second\}. Keys for the template:
** id: MP identifier
** title: Original MP's title.
** series: Original series' title.
** hostname: Capture agent's name.
** type: 'M' if MP was recorded manually, 'S' if it was scheduled.
** longtype: 'manual' if MP was recorded manually, 'scheduled' if it was scheduled.
** year: MP's recording star-time year with century as decimal
** month: MP's recording start-time month as decimal. \[01,12\]
** day: MP's recording start-time day as decimal. \[01,31\]
** hour: MP's recording start-time hour as decimal. \[00,23\]
** minute: MP's recording start-time minute as decimal.
** second: MP's recording start-time second as decimal.


h6. Section {{screen}}

left = Hauppauge


h6. Section {{ingest}}

* {{active}}: Enables the connection to a Opencast-Matterhorn server *(True\|False)*.
* {{manua}}l: {{manual}}: Configure the method to automatically ingest the manual recordings. The possible options are: disable the automatic ingestion (none), ingest immediately after the recording (immediately) or ingest nightly all the recordings of the previous day (nightly). Defaults to 'none'. *(none\|immediately\|nightly)*
* {{scheduled}}: Configure the method to automatically ingest the scheduled recordings. The possible options are: disable the automatic ingestion (none), ingest immediately after the recording (immediately) or ingest nightly all the recordings of the previous day (nightly). Defaults to 'none'. *(none\|immediately\|nightly)*
* {{host}}: Matterhorn server URL.
* {{username}}: Name of the Galicaster unit. Defaults to the host name as defined in the OS, prepended by "GC-" if it is a Galicaster Class or "GCMobile-" if it is a Galicaster Mobile.
* {{password}}: Password for the account used to operate the Matterhorn REST endpoints service.
* {{hostname}}: Custom denomination of the galicaster unit. By default it's obtained from de operative system.
* {{workflow}}: name of the workflow used to ingest the recordings.
* {{workflow-parameters}}: pairs of parameter and value (parameter:value) to be parsed on the Matterhorn workflow, separated by semicolon.
* {{workflow-parameters}}: pairs of parameter and value (parameter:value) to be parsed on the Matterhorn workflow. If more than one parameter is required separate them with a semicolon and encase the whole string in single quotes.

password = CHANGE_ME
workflow = full
workflow-parameters = 'trimHold:true;captionHold:false;archiveOp:true'


h6. Section {{allows}}

overlap = False


h6. Section {{trackN}}

A section per device used in the capturer. Each section is set according to the device type: {{hauppauge}}, {{pulse}}, {{v4l2}} or {{vga2usb}}:

For more information  [http://pygstdocs.berlios.de/pygst-tutorial/capabilities.html|http://pygstdocs.berlios.de/pygst-tutorial/capabilities.html]

videocrop-right = 160

*vga2usb*: Video device
file = SCREEN.avi
active = True
drivertype = v4l2

*pulse*: Audio device.
** {{vumeter}}: Activates data sending to the program's vumeter. ({{True\|False}}) Only one device should be activated.
** {{amplification}}: Gstreamer amplification value: < 1 decreases and > 1 increases volume. Values between 1 and 2 are commonly used.
** {{player}}: Wheter the audio will be previewed (played).
** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})

location = default
file = sound.mp3
active = False True
vumeter = Active True
amplification = 2.0

*blackmagic*: Video device
** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
** {{input}}: Input signal format. (sdi\|hdmi\|opticalsdi\|component\|composite\|svideo)
** {{input-mode}}: Input vidoe video mode and framerate (1-20). (eg. 1080i60). More information [here|Galicaster:Blackmagic cards].
** {{audio-input}}: Input audio mode ({{none\|auto\|embedded\|aes\|analog}}). More information [here|Galicaster:Blackmagic cards].
** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
** {{subdevice}}: Select a Blackmagic card from a maximum of 4 devices ({{0-3, Default: 0}})

active = True
input = sdi
input-mode = 4 ntsc
audio-mode = none

*hauppauge*: Audio and Video device with MPEG HW encoding
** {{locpreaudio}}: Device's mount point of the PCM output
** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
** {{vumeter}}: Whether the audio input would be represented on the vumeter. (True|False) (True\|False)
** {{player}}: Whether the audio input would be played on preview. (True|False) (True\|False)
** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})

player = True

*firewire*: Video and audio device.
* Admmited values:
** name: Name assigned to the device.
** device: Device type: blackmagic
** flavor: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. (presenter\|presentation\|other)
** location: Device's mount point in the system (e.g. /dev/video0).
** file: The file name where the track will be recorded.
** format: Input signal format. (dv\|hdv,iidc)
** vumeter: Activates data sending to the program's vumeter. (True\|False) Only one device should be activated.
** player: Whether the audio input would be played on preview. (True|False) (True\|False)

name = Firewire
device = firewier firewire
flavor = presenter
location = /dev/fw0
file = CAMERA.dv
format = dv
player = True

*videotest*: Mock video device.
** name: Name assigned to the device.
** device: Device type: videotest
** flavor: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. (presenter\|presentation\|other)
** location: Device's mount point in the system (e.g. /dev/video0).
** file: The file name where the track will be recorded.
** active: Whether the device will be played and recorded. (True\|False)
** caps: GStreamer capabilities of the device.
** pattern: type of pattern to show. Run gst-inspect-0.10 videotestsrc fore more information. (0-20)

* Pattern options
(0): smpte - SMPTE 100% color bars
(1): snow - Random (television snow)
(2): black - 100% Black
(3): white - 100% White
(4): red - Red
(5): green - Green
(6): blue - Blue
(7): checkers-1 - Checkers 1px
(8): checkers-2 - Checkers 2px
(9): checkers-4 - Checkers 4px
(10): checkers-8 - Checkers 8px
(11): circular - Circular
(7): checkers-1 - Checkers 1px
(8): checkers-2 - Checkers 2px
(9): checkers-4 - Checkers 4px
(10): checkers-8 - Checkers 8px
(11): circular - Circular
(12): blink - Blink
(13): smpte75 - SMPTE 75% color bars
(14): zone-plate - Zone plate
(14): zone-plate - Zone plate
(15): gamut - Gamut checkers
(16): chroma-zone-plate - Chroma zone plate
(17): solid-color - Solid color
(16): chroma-zone-plate - Chroma zone plate
(17): solid-color - Solid color
(18): ball - Moving ball
(19): smpte100 - SMPTE 100% color bars
(20): bar - Bar

*audiotest*: Mock audio device.
** name: Name assigned to the device.
** device: Device type: pulse
** flavor: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. (presenter\|presentation\|other)
** location: PulseAudio source name. Use default to select the same Input as the Sound Control. To list PulseAudio devices run:
pactl list | grep "Source" -A 5` and use "Name:" as the location field.
** frequency: Test signal central frequency. (0-20000)
** volume: Percent volume of the pattern. (0-1)
** active: Whether the device will be played and recorded. (True\|False)
** vumeter: Activates data sending to the program's vumeter. (True\|False) Only one device should be activated.
** amplification: Gstreamer amplification value: < 1 decreases and > 1 increases volume. Values between 1 and 2 are commonly used. (0-10)
** player: Whether the audio input would be played on preview. (True|False) (True\|False)

* Wave options
(0): sine - Sine
(1): square - Square
(1): square - Square
(2): saw - Saw
(3): triangle - Triangle
(4): silence - Silence
(5): white-noise - White uniform noise
(6): pink-noise - Pink noise
(7): sine-table - Sine table
(3): triangle - Triangle
(4): silence - Silence
(5): white-noise - White uniform noise
(6): pink-noise - Pink noise
(7): sine-table - Sine table
(8): ticks - Periodic Ticks
(9): gaussian-noise - White Gaussian noise
(10): red-noise - Red (brownian) noise
(11): blue-noise - Blue noise
(12): violet-noise - Violet noise
(9): gaussian-noise - White Gaussian noise
(10): red-noise - Red (brownian) noise
(11): blue-noise - Blue noise
(12): violet-noise - Violet noise

{anchor:config_profiles} {align:right}{pop-top}{align}
h5. Profiles

Profiles are a new feature added on Galicaster 1.2.0. Each profile contains a group of tracks that will be ran together. The syntax of a profile it's simple.

* On the data section, a name to identify the profile is set.
* The order on the track list determine the position on the preview, the first one on the list will be the first from left to right.

An example with mock devices:
name = Example

name = Static
device = videotest
location = default
file = SCREEN.avi
flavor = presentation
caps = video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=25/1,width=640,height=480
pattern = 1
color1 = 4294967295
color2 = 4278190080

name = Bars
device = videotest
flavor = presenter
location = default
file = CAMERA.avi
caps = video/x-raw-yuv,framerate=25/1,width=640,height=480
pattern = 0
color1 = 4294967295
color2 = 4278190080

Each profile can have one or many tracks, usually from 1 to 4 (two videos and two audio streams). You can shift between profiles on the profile menu, clicking on the button below Recorder, on the welcome page.

When you change a profile it's automatically loaded. If anything goes wrong, you will receive a message on the Recorder area.
You can try another profile any time you want, without leaving the program. You have to leave the program to edit any profile, if you have knowledge to do so