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1.1 FAQ

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h6. 3.\- Which computer should I use?

Depending on the [1.1 Hardware recommendations], an Intel (R) i5 or equivalent should cover most of the capturing devices.

h5. Installation
Your camera and your capture card should have a compatible configuration (e.g., both sending and getting a Video Composite signal in PAL). Also, check your camera configuration to ensure that it is actually sending data through the wire.

h6. 8.\- How I establish a backup audio track?
Using the flavour 'other' you can record a second audio track that won't take part on the Matterhorn workflow neither on the Galicaster player. If the main audio track fails you should swap tracks and set the secondary track with 'presenter' as flavour.

h5. Media Manager

h6. 1.\- When I delete a recording, are they erased from my computer?