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1.1 Download Galicaster

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You are about to download a Galicaster Software release. This software aimed to help you building Galicaster devices. With Galicaster you can record dual-stream videos in an easy way.

* First of all, you need to [choose a proper computer and capturing hardware|1.1 Hardware recommendations]
* The [Cookbook|1.1 Cookbook] contains several recipes to correctly configure your hardware and set up your environment.
* Once the hardware is installed, follow the [Software Installation guide|1.1 Software installation].
* If you already have a Galicaster running, please check the [upgrading|Upgrading from older versions] documentation.
* When everything is in place, please take a look to our [User Guide|1.1 User Guide] in order to get started.
* If something goes wrong, the [FAQ section|1.1 FAQ] may help you.
* Compatible with both Opencast Matterhorn 1.2 and 1.3

The documentation will improved progressively, so do not hesitate to make suggestions.

Feel free to ask your doubts and make suggestions about Galicaster (and its documentation) to [mailto:galicaster@teltek.es].



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| {table:border=0}\\ {tr}{td}{align:center}[!hardware_r.jpg|border=0,width=200!|1.1 Hardware recommendations]\\
[Hardware recommendations|1.1 Hardware recommendations]\\ \\
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{td}{align:center}[!install_r.png|border=0,width=200!|1.1 Software installation]\\
[Software installation|1.1 Software installation] {align}{td}{tr}
{tr}{td}{align:center}[!cookbook_r.jpg|border=0,width=200!|1.1 Cookbook]\\
[Cookbook|1.1 Cookbook]\\ \\
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{td}{align:center}[!faq_r.jpg|border=0,width=200!|1.1 FAQ]\\
[FAQ|1.1 FAQ]\\ \\
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By downloading, I agree to the [non-commercial license|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/].

h5. [Download Galicaster v1.1|http://webfiler.teltek.es/webfiler/galicaster/galicaster-1.1.1.tgz]


[Comunity mailing list|http://galicaster-community.2311038.n4.nabble.com/] \- [subscribe|http://galicaster-community.2311038.n4.nabble.com/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=subscribe&node=4127427]
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h5. Hardware
{center} By downloading, you agree to the [non-commercial license|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/]. (Commercial licenses also available under request)

Para esta primera release se proponen dos configuraciones de referencia. La primera usando una cámara web USB y la segunda usando una Video Capture Card como Hauppauge PVR350. En ambos casos se recomienda usar una VGA Capture Card del modelo VGA2USB o superior.

h6. Video Capture Card

|| Component \\ || Known Good Hardware || Notes \\ ||
| Processor & Motherboard \\ | Intel i3 Processor \\
4GB RAM | No se necesita mucha CPU, ya que la video capture card codifica el video por hardware |
| Video Capture Card \\ | Hauppauge PVR250 \\
Hauppauge PVR350 \\
Hauppauge HVR1600 \\ | |
| VGA Capture Card \\ | VGA2USB \\
VGA2USB LR-I \\ | |

h6. WebCam USB
If you are looking for previous releases of Galicaster, take a look into the [Release Archive|Galicaster:Release Archive]

|| Component \\ || Known Good Hardware || Notes \\ ||
| Processor & Motherboard \\ | Intel i5 Processor \\
4GB RAM | Al codificar los dos vídeos se necesita más CPU |
| Video Capture Card \\ | Hauppauge PVR250 \\
Hauppauge PVR350 \\
Hauppauge HVR1600 \\ | |
| WebCam \\ | USB Logitech HD Pro Webcam \\ | valido con todas las webcam USB compatibles con V4L2 |

h5. Documentation

* [Hardware recommendations|1.1 Hardware recommendations]
* [Software installation|1.1 Software installation]
* [Upgrading from older versions]
* [User's Guide|1.1 User Guide]
* [Cookbook|1.1 Cookbook]
* [FAQ|1.1 FAQ]

h5. Software

The Galicaster Project is an open-source initiative to provide *flexible, state-of-the-art solutions for recording educational multimedia contents* like lectures and conferences.

h6. Dependences
{tip:title=Galicaster Support}

* Linux
* GTK (> 2.16) and python (> 2.6)
* Gstreamer
* python-setuptools and pip
* iCalendar
* pyCurl
* Capture card configuration tools
If you have any doubts or comments, consider subscribing to the galicaster community mailing-list:
*[Galicaster Community|Community]* *@*

$ sudo apt-get install \
gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg gstreamer0.10-alsa gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad gstreamer0.10-plugins-bad-multiverse \
gstreamer0.10-plugins-base gstreamer0.10-plugins-base-apps gstreamer0.10-plugins-good \
gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly gstreamer0.10-plugins-ugly-multiverse
$ sudo apt-get install python-pip python-setuptools
$ sudo pip install icalendar
$ sudo apt-get install python-pycurl
$ sudo apt-get install v4l-conf v4l-utils guvcview
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