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Current by Vicente Goyanes
on feb 08, 2018 17:00.

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Changes (4)

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Galicaster capture solution is compatible with [OPENCAST|http://www.opencast.org/]. Galicaster-based devices can work as improved Matterhorn capture agents. They can register as a capture agent, thus being able to receive scheduled recordings and ingest the resulting mediapackages automatically.

h5. Main changes on Galicaster 2.1.0

* Optionally set and report "Error" state to Opencast when the audio is below a threshold for longer than a set amount of time. (lowaudio plugn)
* Optionally set and report "Error" state to Opencast when the Galicaster HDD has less available space than a set threshold. (checkspace plugin)
* Send "Offline" status to Opencast before closing Galicaster (for OC > 2.3.0)
* Muxing a pulse audio soruce into a v4l2 video source to the same file. (multistream bin by @ppettit)
* Allow unlocking the Galicaster touchscreen through LDAP credentials. (lockscreen plugin)
* Added configurable tags to the mediapackage tracks through the profile configuration.
* Now in Galicaster a default series field for the mediapackage can be set for manual recordings.
* Bugfixing and code refactoring.

Full list of changes [here|http://wiki.teltek.es/display/Galicaster/Release+Archive]

h5. Main changes on Galicaster 2.0.0

* New virtual keyboard plugin
* New PTZ VISCA camera control plugin
* Fixed bugs (See all of them in [Github CHANGELOG |https://github.com/teltek/Galicaster/blob/2.0.x0/CHANGELOG])

Full list of changes [here|http://wiki.teltek.es/display/Galicaster/Release+Archive]

h5. Key Features

[!download_section.png|align=center,width=200!|Download Galicaster]

{align:center}{color:#273770}{*}Download Galicaster v2.1.x{*}{color}{align}