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Version 24 by developer
on abr 09, 2012 20:45.

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Changes (3)

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h6. 3.\- The Matterhorn configuration seems fine but Galicaster doesn't connect to the server.

Remember to include the port in the host address and use a valid REST account, a user account won't work.0

h6. 4.\- After making a recording with presenter and presentation tracks, both are shown on the same screen when I play it in Galicaster.
h5. Usual launching program errors on 1.0.x

h6. 1.\- *Repository*

If the repository can't be loaded try to erase any of the last recordings you made, specially if the computer crashed or the power grid went off.

h6. 2.\- *iCalendar*
The newer version of iCalendar is not suitable for Galicaster 1.1.0 and previous ones, use iCalendar 2.2