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Download Galicaster

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_This page is updated to the 2.0.0 release_

You are about to download a Galicaster software release. This software runs at the core of every Galicaster unit. With Galicaster you can record multistream videos in an easy way. Having your Galicaster up and running is very easy:
h3. Galicaster in 4 steps

h4. +Step 1+: Get your Hardware

Each specific application of Galicaster calls for certain computer requirements. You can check those in the section *[Hardware recommendations|Hardware recommendations]*. recommendations|https://github.com/teltek/Galicaster-doc/blob/master/HardwareRecommendations.md]*.

{info}_A more detailed introduction to the hardware is available on our [compatible hardware table|Galicaster:Compatible hardware table]._{info}
{info}{_}A more detailed introduction to the hardware is available on our_ _[compatible hardware table|Galicaster:Compatible hardware table]__._{info}

h4. +Step 2+: Install Galicaster
Once installed, you need to configure Galicaster according to your needs. Take a look to the [Galicaster configuration] guideline.

h4. +Step 4+: Enjoy\!

When everything is in place, please take a look to our *[User Guide|User Guide]* in order to get started.

Feel free to ask your doubts and make suggestions about Galicaster (and its documentation) to [mailto:galicaster@teltek.es].



h5. Download Galicaster v1.4.2
{align:center}*.deb package{*}{align}

{center}By downloading, you agree to the [non-commercial license|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/].
(Commercial licenses also available under request){center}


h5. Documentation
#* [Recorder|Galicaster:User Guide - Recorder]
#* [Media Manager|Galicaster:User Guide - Media Manager]
