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Version 56 by developer
on mar 06, 2014 19:16.

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h4. Galicaster 1.4.0-RC2 - 2014 06th March

h5. [Source|http://webfiler.teltek.es/webfiler/galicaster/galicaster_1.4.0-RC2.tar.gz] - [Debian Package|http://webfiler.teltek.es/webfiler/galicaster/galicaster_1.4.0-RC2_all.deb] - [Installation guide|Software installation] - [Configuration|Galicaster Configuration]

* Feature: Allow configuration of MHHTTPClient timeouts (ppettit)
* Fixed bug: Allow any case for plugin config values (JamesUoM)
* Fixed bug: Set recording state on matterhorn server when doing manual recording (ppettit)
* New rtpraw device module to record re-encoded RTP flow.
* Fixed Bug with relative log and i18n paths.
* Galicaster UI internationalization.
* New plugin (hidetabs) to customize the tabs displayed on the recording UI.
* New plugin (setuprecording) to enter a manual recording's metadata before starting it, set default values and mark some fields as required.
* First version of "hide operations" feature (still in development).
* A button in the recorder UI to swap the video streams, so that the user can customize where are they shown in the preview.
* Fixed bug: Galicaster doesn't crash anymore when a webcam is unplugged. Now you can go back and reload the profile.
* Fixed bug on forced users to click twice in pop-ups when using distributions like Xubuntu.
* Corrected some bad interactions between the no-audio dialog and other popups.

h4. Galicaster 1.3.1 - 2014 20th January