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Galicaster Code Contributions

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This page describes how to contribute to Galicaster Code. All Galicaster development and bugfixing is done on [Galicaster public Git repository|https://github.com/teltek/Galicaster]. Please follow the recommendations below and, if possible, nice-to-have tips. 

{tip}Thank you so much for your Contributions \!\!{tip}
h5. {color:#222222}Important Notice about Licensing{color}

{color:#353735}Patches that fix a bug or provide a minor enhancement might be accepted without a Contributor License Agreement being completed. Major enhancements require a valid{color} {color:#353735}[Contributor License Agreement|http://wiki.teltek.es/display/Galicaster/Galicaster+-+Contributor+License+Agreement]{color}{color:#353735}. {color}
