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View Page History
* Roadmap and lines of development

h3. Galicaster in 4 steps*
# Hardware
#* [Galicaster:1.3.0 Hardware recommendations]
#* [Hardware table|Devices and capture cards table]
# Step 2: Installation
#* Pre-requirement, requirement, dependencies and recommendation
#* Installation
#** Deb installation
#** Source code installation
#* Drivers
# Configuration
#* Basic configuration
#* Profiles and device modules
#* Opencast Matterhorn Configuration
#* Plugins
# Step 4: Use it
#* User Guide
#* Scenarios

h3. Device modules
h3. Hardware
* [Galicaster:1.3.0 Hardware recommendations]
* [Hardware table|Devices and capture cards table]
* Video devices
* Audio Devices
** [Galicaster:Revolabs wireless microphones]
** Devices via Motherboard soundcard inputs