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Solutions with Galicaster

Version 1 by developer
on abr 08, 2013 17:20.

compared with
Version 2 by developer
on abr 08, 2013 17:24.

This line was removed.
This word was removed. This word was added.
This line was added.

Changes (1)

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** -Galicaster, Matterhorn Pumukit-
** -Galicaster Dashboard-

Galicaster is the perfect tool for recording multistream content on multiple scenarios on educational and formative environments: lectures, seminars, conferences, webinars, video-conferences, studios.

Galicaster has been succesfully integrated with other technology:
* Opencast Matterhorn, and through it
** Pumukit, Youtube and iTunesU
** Moodle and other LTI tools
* Polimedia - knowledge pills recording technology
* Access Grid
* Polycom

Galicaster will record multiple audivisual sources synchronously, providing real-time and remote monitoring. In addition, ceration post-processing tasks can be performed automatically.