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1.3.0 Release Candidate Process

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h3. Table of contents

* [1.3.0 rc tags|#tags]
* [Features and improvements|#features]
* [New Documentation -- under construction|#docs]
* Features:
** [Device Scripts for a profile|#scripts]
** [Encoders and muxers|#encoder]
** [New bin: RTP|#rtp]
** [How to use Custom bin|#custom]
** [Configurable logger|#logger]
** [Updated REST plugin|#rest]
** [Comment on metadata treatment|#metadata]

h3. 1.3.0-rc source code.
* Close session and shutwdown option on UI.
* Save crashed recordings on restart
* [Updated REST endpoint|#rest]


* Configurable resolution for UI
* [Configurable logger|#logger] - location, syslog, rotation ...
* [Improved metadata treatment|#metadata]
* [Updated REST endpoint|#rest]

*New or improved Plugins*