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Galicaster CUBE

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Galicaster CUBE is a multi-stream recorder specialy designed por Mobile or Portable operation. It is a powerful unit based on Intel i7, with a extremely silent box and power supply and based on heavy duty components.

h5. GaliCUBE common use case

Common GaliCUBE use case is the recording of conferences and meetings, some examples of conferences recorded with GaliCUBE:

* [1st Opencast-Matterhorn Unconference|http://opencast.org/video/opencast-matterhorn-2012-unconference-recordings], Oxford (UK) Jan2012
* [SLUNG 11 Open Software conference|http://tv.teltek.es/es/video/1.html], San Sebastian (ES), Dic 2011

h5. Galicaster CUBE models:

* Ready for Remote supervision

h5. GaliCUBE common use case

Common GaliCUBE use case is the recording of conferences and meetings, some examples of conferences recorded with GaliCUBE:

* [1st Opencast-Matterhorn Unconference|http://opencast.org/video/opencast-matterhorn-2012-unconference-recordings], Oxford (UK) Jan2012
* [SLUNG 11 Open Software conference|http://tv.teltek.es/es/video/1.html], San Sebastian (ES), Dic 2011
