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Download Galicaster

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You are about to download a Galicaster software release. This software is aimed to help you building Galicaster devices. With Galicaster you can record multi-stream videos in an easy way. Having your Galicaster up and running is very easy:

To get started with Galicaster, please *follow this 4 steps guide*,
h3. 4 steps to Galicaster: 

h5. Step 1: Hardware requirements
h5. +Step 1+: Get your Hardware 

Check which computer requirements you need to fulfill on *[Hardware recommendations|Hardware recommendations]*
{info}{_}The_ _[Cookbook|Galicaster:Cookbook]_ _contains several recipes to correctly configure your hardware and set up your environment._{info}

h5. Step 2: Software installation
h5. +Step 2+: Install Galicaster package

Once the hardware is installed, follow the *[Software Installation guide|Software installation]*.
{info}{_}If you already have a Galicaster running, please check the_ _[upgrading|Upgrading from older versions]_ _documentation._{info}

h5. Step 3: Configuration
h5. +Step 3+: Configure your Galicaster

Once Galicaster is already installed is time to configure it. Take a look to the Galicaster [Configuration Manual|Galicaster Configuration].

h5. Step 4: User Experience
h5. +Step 4+: Enjoy Galicaster \!

When everything is in place, please take a look to our *[User Guide|User Guide]* in order to get started.

h5. Quick installation guide
In adition, there is a [Quick installation guide|Quick installation guide] available, for those who already know Galicaster and want to avoid deep explanations, in other words, a list to follow methodically in every installation.

In adition, there is a [Quick installation guide|Quick installation guide] available, for those who already know Galicaster and want to avoid deep explanations, in other words, a list to follow methodically in every installation.

This guide is a one page only summary of every step beginning on the software installation. Users unfamiliar to Galicaster may use this guide to take a quick look on what they will have to do, but we recommend follow the documentation step by step.

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[Software installation|Software installation] {align}{td}{tr}
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h5. Documentation
# [User's Guide|User Guide]
#* [FAQ|FAQ]

* [Quick installation guide|Quick installation guide]\\
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