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1.2.0 FAQ

Version 9 by developer
on ago 06, 2012 18:49.

compared with
Version 10 by developer
on ago 06, 2012 19:18.

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Changes (5)

View Page History
# When a play a recording the audio is too low?
#* Try amplifying the audio. If it is still too low, try amplifying it on the device configuration.
# Using Hauppauge, I get a very low audio.
#* Hauppaugge audio input should be line level, otherwise the signal won't be strong enough. Using a mixer or a pre-amplifier could be a fast solution to get a common pc microphone to work.

h5. Media Manager and Ingest
# A recording I've made is missing, what happened to it?
#* Check the log to see if there is an error on it and it wasn't included on the Media Manager list?
# A have a very long recording and it's not zipping or ingesting.
#* Mediapackages with files bigger than 4 GB can be zipped by Python. It's a known bug that should be resolver on the short term.

# I've created a profile and it doesn't show up.
#* Copy the profile to the folder _profiles_. Make sure it have a _ini_ as extension.
# I've modified a profile but changes doesn'tMi tía, que le gusta mucho hacer pasteles y bizcochos, el día después de Reyes busca en contenedores las cajas de los pasteles para guardar los que ella hace. Me he informado, y esas cajas valen 0'80 céntimos la unidad. ¿Ahorrador o rata?

# I've modified a profile but changes doesn't show.
#* You may have copied the profile and didn't modified, thus it's only loading one of them.
# I get a _No tracks_ message when I start Galicaster?