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1.2.0 Galicaster Configuration

Version 5 by developer
on ago 06, 2012 16:01.

compared with
Version 6 by developer
on ago 06, 2012 16:04.

This line was removed.
This word was removed. This word was added.
This line was added.

Changes (5)

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* {{repository}}: absolute path to the working folder. If not specified, a {{Repository}} directory in the user's home will be used.
* {{export}}: absolute path to the export folder for operations. If not specified, exported files will be placed at the user's home folder.
* {{stopdialog}}: Enable/Disable a dialog requesting confirmation to stop the recording. Defaults to True. *(True|False)*
* {{quit}}: Shows or hides the quit button. *(True|False)*

h6. Section {{ingest}}

* {{active}}: Enables the connection to a Opencast-Matterhorn server *(True|False)*.
* {{manua}}l: Configure the method to automatically ingest the manual recordings. The possible options are: disable the automatic ingestion (none), ingest immediately after the recording (immediately) or ingest nightly all the recordings of the previous day (nightly). Defaults to 'none'. *(none|immediately|nightly)*
* {{scheduled}}: Configure the method to automatically ingest the scheduled recordings. The possible options are: disable the automatic ingestion (none), ingest immediately after the recording (immediately) or ingest nightly all the recordings of the previous day (nightly). Defaults to 'none'. *(none|immediately|nightly)*
* {{host}}: Matterhorn server URL.
* {{username: Name of the Galicaster unit. Defaults to the host name as defined in the OS, prepended by "GC-" if it is a Galicaster Class or "GCMobile-" if it is a Galicaster Mobile.