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Installation Guide

Version 7 by developer
on may 09, 2012 17:51.

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Version 8 by developer
on may 09, 2012 18:22.

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h3. C C. Galicaster configuration

* Sound level
Galicaster is configurated by a pair of files _conf-dist.ini_ and _conf.ini_. You can download two different models of _conf.ini_ depending on the cards you are using:

* Blackmagic + Epiphan: [conf.ini | http://webfiler.teltek.es/webfiler/galicaster/configs/bm_mobile/conf.ini]

* Hauppauge + Epiphan: [conf.ini | http://webfiler.teltek.es/webfiler/galicaster/configs/hau_mobile/conf.ini]

h4 C.1 Sound configuration

To have the best audio feedback on your interface you should configurate your audio inputs properly.

*Pulse input ( Line in):*
_If you are using the Hauppauge card you don't have to worry about all this._
First of all, go to the Sound Manager ( speaker icon on the top right corner of the desktop), select the input you are using and set it with no amplification, 100% volume.
Later, if you have distortion on your audio input, edit the conf.ini and set _amplification = 1.0_ on the AudioSource device.

*Headphones output*
Regulate this slide bar to a confortable sound level.

*Galicaster Vumeter*
Add this section in the _conf.ini_ file.

min = -60
max = 0

If the NO SOUND dialog is coming in and out constantly, set a higher value on _min_.

* Alsa Advanced configuration *

If after configure the Sound Manager and your Mixer or Sound input device you still have problems, you should take a look to ALSA.
Run _alsamixer_ on a shell and ensure that your device is not being amplified. You can check the real Gain on _Item_ on the top left corner of the screen. Press F6 to select the input and F4 to go to the Capture section

Mucho cuidado también con el alsamixer, fijaos en que al máximo realmente estais amplificando, no regulando el volumen, en el apartado "Item" veis la ganancia

En general el audio son 4 capas: HW - pulse - alsa - gstreamer, y hay que limitar la amplificación a las capas más seguras.
Gstreamer "habla" con pulse y alsa pero nuestro conocimiento es limitado y nos/os obliga a realizar muchas pruebas.
Mi recomendación es que eliminéis cualquier amplificación existente (alsa, pulse y galicaster/gstreamer) y que después subáis poco a poco en alsa hasta encontrar
un rango satisfactorio.

Espero que esto sea suficiente.
