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Download Galicaster

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* When everything is in place, please take a look to our [User Guide|User Guide] in order to get started.
* If something goes wrong, the [FAQ section|Galicaster:FAQ] may help you.
* Compatible with both Opencast Matterhorn 1.2 and 1.3

The documentation will improved progressively, so do not hesitate to make suggestions.
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[Hardware recommendations|Hardware recommendations]\\ \\
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[Cookbook|Galicaster:Cookbook]\\ \\
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[FAQ|Galicaster:FAQ]\\ \\
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h5. Download Galicaster v1.0.1

{center} By downloading, you agree to the [non-commercial license|http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/]. (Commercial licenses also available under request)



{tip:title=Galicaster Support}

If you have any doubts or comments, consider subscribing to the galicaster community mailing-list:
[*Galicaster Community*|Galicaster:Community & Support] *@*