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The Galicaster Project is an open initiative to provide *flexible, state-of-the-art solutions for recording educational multimedia contents* like lectures and conferences.

h5. Main Goals

Our main goal is the creation of *multiple open applications adapted to different scenarios and equipment*. So far, two Galicaster applications have reached a mature state of development: [Galicaster Class|Galicaster Class] and [Galicaster Mobile|Galicaster Mobile].
* [Galicaster Class|Galicaster:Galicaster Class] (GClass) is designed to be in a classroom environment with a basic control set and a tactile interface. It works automatically but some manual actions are available to the lecturers: muting the audio, pausing the recording and manual starting and stopping if desired.
* [Galicaster Mobile|Galicaster Mobile] (GMobile) is a complete portable recording station, providing full control on the recorded media. Operators can get real-time feedback from cameras and microphones - so that they can react immediately against any unexpected situation, manage a repository with all the recording media, delete many recordings in a single operation, send and resend media to distribution channels, label tracks, etc.

Another goal pursued by the Galicaster Project is the creation of *end-to-end, complete working solutions for recording educational multimedia contents*, focusing not only on capturing affairs, but also on providing connectivity with the publishing systems and the distribution channels.

h5. Key Features

Galicaster can be used as an automatic in-room recording solution for the classroom, keeping the professor informed and in control, or it can be used as a mobile unit, perfect for recording meetings and conferences.

h5. Main Goals

Our main goal is the creation of *multiple open applications adapted to different scenarios and equipment*. So far, two Galicaster applications have reached a mature state of development: [Galicaster Class|Galicaster Class] and [Galicaster Mobile|Galicaster Mobile].
* [Galicaster Class|Galicaster:Galicaster Class] (GClass) is designed to be in a classroom environment with a basic control set and a tactile interface. It works automatically but some manual actions are available to the lecturers: muting the audio, pausing the recording and manual starting and stopping if desired.
* [Galicaster Mobile|Galicaster Mobile] (GMobile) is a complete portable recording station, providing full control on the recorded media. Operators can get real-time feedback from cameras and microphones - so that they can react immediately against any unexpected situation, manage a repository with all the recording media, delete many recordings in a single operation, send and resend media to distribution channels, label tracks, etc.

Another goal pursued by the Galicaster Project is the creation of *end-to-end, complete working solutions for recording educational multimedia contents*, focusing not only on capturing affairs, but also on providing connectivity with the publishing systems and the distribution channels.

h5. Versatility