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videocrop-right = 160
*** *vga2usb*: Video device**** Values in vga2usb devices:***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.***** {{device}}: Device type: v4l2***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. (presenter\|presentation\|other)***** {{location}}: Device's mount point in the system (e.g. /dev/video0).***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. (True\|False)***** {{drivertype}} {color:red}Explicar pero es v4l para driver viejo y v4l2 para driver nuevo{color}**** Example:
{code:none}[track4]name = Webcamlocation = /dev/webcamfile = CAMERA.avidevice = mjpegflavor = presenteractive = Falsecaps = image/jpeg,framerate=25/1,width=1280,height=720videocrop-left = 160videocrop-right = 160{code}
*** *vga2usb*: Video device
**** Values in vga2usb devices:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: vga2usb
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. (presenter\|presentation\|other)
***** {{location}}: Device's mount point in the system (e.g. /dev/video0).
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. (True\|False)
***** {{drivertype}} {color:red}Explicar pero es v4l para driver viejo y v4l2 para driver nuevo{color}
**** Example:
name = Epiphan
active = True
location = /dev/screen
file = SCREEN.avi
device = vga2usb
flavor = presentation


h6. 5.\- Running