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***** {{device}}: Device type: pulse
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. (presenter\|presentation\|other)
***** {{location}}: {color:red}Explicar y decir que es default{color}\*****\* to list PulseAudio devices run:
$ pactl list | grep "Source" -A 5
amplification = 2.0
*** *pulse*: *mjpeg*: Video device
**** Values in audio (pulse) mjpeg devices:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type. (v4l2\|vga2usb\|webcam\|hauppage\|pulse)
***** {{device}}: Device type: v4l2
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. (presenter\|presentation\|other)
***** {{location}}: Device's mount point in the system (e.g. /dev/video0).
****** For PulseAudio devices run:
$ pactl list | grep "Source" -A 5
and use "Name:" as the {{location}} field.
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. (True\|False)
***** {{playing}}: Indicates if the audio, apart from being recorded, is played. (True\|False)
***** {{vumeter}}: Activates data sending to the program's vumeter. (True\|False) Only one device should be activated.
***** {{amplification}}: Gstreamer amplification value: < 1 decreases and > 1 increases volume. Values between 1 and 2 are commonly used.
***** {{caps}} {color:red}Explicar{color}
***** {{videocrop-right}} {color:red}Explicar{color}
***** {{videocrop-left}} {color:red}Explicar{color}
***** {{videocrop-top}} {color:red}Explicar{color}
***** {{videocrop-bottom}} {color:red}Explicar{color}
**** Example:
name = Hauppagge
loc2 = /dev/hauprevideo
loc3 = /dev/haupreaudio
location = /dev/haucamera
file = CAMERA.mpg
device = hauppage
flavor = presenter
active = False

name = Epiphan
active = False
location = /dev/screen
file = SCREEN.avi
device = vga2usb
flavor = presentation

amplification = 2.0
name = AudioSource
vumeter = Active
location = alsa_input.usb-046d_081d_96D1FD90-00-U0x46d0x81d.analog-mono
file = sound.mp3
device = pulse
flavor = presenter
active = False
playing = False

name = Webcam
videocrop-left = 160
videocrop-right = 160
caps = image/jpeg,framerate=25/1,width=1280,height=720
active = False
location = /dev/webcam
file = CAMERA.avi
device = mjpeg
flavor = presenter
active = False
caps = image/jpeg,framerate=25/1,width=1280,height=720
videocrop-left = 160
videocrop-right = 160