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Para probar esta primera release se recomienda el uso de Ubuntu 10.04 LTS sobre el hardware antes descrito. Sobre el en necesario instalar las dependencias y realizar la comprobaciones básicas:

h6. Dependences
h6. 1.- Install dependences

* Gstreamer

h6. 2.- Check configuration

$ rm out.avi

h6. 3.- Dowload software

Para instalar descargarse el programa

h6. 4.- Config galicaster

The values are in the file conf.ini


* basic
** repository: path to the working folder.
** admin: enables admin mode (True|False)

* screen
** right: Name of the video device to be shown in the right screen (None to deactivate).
** left: Name of the video device to be shown in the left screen (None to deactivate).
** cursor: Shows or hides the cursor. (True|False)

* ingest
** The data to connect Galicaster to an Opencast-Matterhorn server.

* track
Values common to all devices:
** name: Name assigned to the device.
** device: Tipo de dispositivo. (v4l2|vga2usb|webcam|hauppage|pulse)
** flavor: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. (presenter|presentation|other)
** location: Device's mount point in the system (p.ej. /dev/video0).
*** For PulseAudio devices run:
pactl -list | grep "Source" -A 5
and use "Name:" as the "location" field.
*** file: The file name where the track will be recorded.
*** active: Whether the device will be played and recorded. (True|False)

Values in audio (pulse) devices:
** playing: Indicates if the audio, apart from being recorded, is played. (True|False)
** vumeter: Activates data sending to the program's vumeter. (True|False)
Only one device should be activated.
** amplification: Gstreamer amplification value: < 1 decreases and > 1 increases volume.
Values between 1 and 2 are commonly used.

h6. 5.- Running

Galicaster Class is launched by running the command:

$ ./classexec