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Galicaster Class (new)

compared with
Version 30 by developer
on sep 28, 2011 18:14.

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*How do I use GClass with Opencast Matterhorn?*

GClass acts as a basic Matterhorn capture agent. It can register as a capture agent, thus being able to receive scheduled recordings and ingest the resulting mediapackages automatically. The main improvement GClass brings up is its graphic interface, providing realtime feedback and manual control.
GClass can work as a basic Matterhorn capture agent. It can register as a capture agent on a Matterhorn core, thus being able to receive and process Matterhorn recording schedules, and ingest the resulting mediapackages afterwards.

The main improvement GClass brings up is its graphic interface, providing realtime feedback and manual control. It also allows an easy mechanism to ingest mediapackages that were recorded off-line, or retry the ingestion of a failed mediapackage.

*Can I use Galicaster Class with other systems?*