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Galicaster Class (new)

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Version 28 by developer
on sep 28, 2011 17:04.

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*What is Galicaster Class?*

Galicaster Class is a multistream recording application designed for tactile screens to provide easy control and realtime feedback.
Galicaster Class is a multistream recording application designed to provide an easy control and realtime feedback on tactile screens.

*Who is GClass aimed to?*

Galicaster Class is aimed to educational institutions who wants which want to record lectures and / or other educational contents on a daily basis and publish them in the shortest time possible. Moreover, In addition, GClass reduces subsequent reviews and editions to the minimum.

*As a professor, how do I operate GClass?*

As a professor you only have to worry about the microphone. Place it correctly and activate it. A warning on the screen would prevent you if the audio is activated. You can turn the audio off and on whenever you want, in case you don't want something to be included.
As a professor you only have to worry about the microphone. Place it correctly and activate it. A message on the screen will warn you if the audio is too low. You can also turn the audio off and on whenever you want, in case you do not want something to be included.

If you need or want more control of the recording you can actived some manual features: start, pause and stop. This way you will remove useless sections of lectures like breaks, exercises ...
If you need or want a greater control on the recording, some basic actions are available: start, pause and stop. This way you will remove useless sections of the lectures like breaks, exercises...

*How do I use GClass with Opencast Matterhorn?*

GClass acts as a basic Matterhorn capture agent. It can register as a capture agent, thus being able to receive scheduled recordings and ingest the resulting mediapackages automatically. The main improvements GClass bring up are his graphic interface, providing realtime feedback and manual  control,  and his independence from the scheduling service and the network, once a recording is set it will be recorder even if the network is down.
GClass acts as a basic Matterhorn capture agent. It can register as a capture agent, thus being able to receive scheduled recordings and ingest the resulting mediapackages automatically. The main improvement GClass brings up is its graphic interface, providing realtime feedback and manual control.

Yes, Galicaster Class can be adapted to any media management or publishing systems.

h4. How do Galicaster Class looks like?
h4. What does Galicaster Class look like?

Check out the video below to see how GClass works and take a look to at the basic features.


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