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Galicaster project (new)

Version 3 by developer
on sep 27, 2011 19:52.

compared with
Version 4 by developer
on sep 27, 2011 20:05.

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Changes (3)

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The Galicaster Project it's an effort to provide *flexible state-of-the-art solutions for the recording of eductional multimedia contents* like lectures and conferences. The main objective is the creation of *multiple open source applications adapted to differents scenaries and equipments*. There are two applications on a mature state of development: Galicaster Class and Galicaster Mobile.

The main objective is the creation of *multiple open source applications adapted to differents scenaries and equipments*. There are two applications on a mature state of development: Galicaster Class and Galicaster Mobile.

*Galicaster Class* (link) is designed to be placed in a classroom environment with a touchscreen and basic controls. It works automatically but some features are avaliable: muting the audio, pausing the recording, manual start and stop if desired.

All branches of Galicaster are *virtually adaptable to any publishing platform* since it records all streams separated and provide metadata handling.

Other goal within the Galicaster Project it's the
