Notation Guide

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Text Effects

Text effects are used to change the formatting of words and sentences.

Notation Comment
*strong* Makes text strong.
_emphasis_ Makes text emphasis.
??citation?? Makes text in citation.
-strikethrough- Makes text as strikethrough.
+underlined+ Makes text as underlined.
^superscript^ Makes text in superscript.
~subscript~ Makes text in subscript.
{{text will be monospaced}} Makes text as code text.
bq. Some block quoted text To make an entire paragraph into a block quotation, place "bq. " before it.


Some block quoted text

here is quoteble
content to be quoted

Quote a block of text that's longer than one paragraph.

here is quotable
content to be quoted
look ma, red text!
Changes the color of a block of text.

Example: look ma, red text!