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Showing 1-4 of 4 for attr

  • to the devices. Use the following command to find out the value of ATTR{name} for a specific device: $ udevadm info attributewalk name=$ substituting … ) These are some configuration examples: KERNEL=="video09", ATTR =="Epiphan VGA2USB V2U19350", GROUP="video", SYMLINK="screen" KERNEL=="video09", ATTR =="ivtv0 encoder MPG
  • , which will contain the udev rules that will be applied to the devices. Use the following command to find out the value of ATTR{name} for a specific device … attributewalk name=/dev/video1 grep name (e.g. /dev/video0) These are some configuration examples: KERNEL=="video09", ATTR =="Epiphan VGA2USB V2U19350", GROUP="video
  • of the following lines. KERNEL=="video09", ATTR =="UVC Camera (0123d:4567)", GROUP="video", SYMLINK="webcam" KERNEL=="video09", ATTR =="vga2usb", SYMLINK="screen" KERNEL=="video09", ATTR =="ivtv0 encoder MPG", GROUP="video", SYMLINK="haucamera" KERNEL=="video09", ATTR =="ivtv0 encoder YUV", GROUP="video", SYMLINK="hauprevideo
  • contains an attribute labeled "ATTR " indicating the device function, e.g. "ivtv0 encoder MPG". Use it to know which specific device you want to connect