Name: From:
To: Mileage,*
Auto Business Interntet Fuel,
No Date Paid to Description Airfare Lodging Meals Entert. Rental & Tools Telephone Parking Supplies Other Total
1 $0,00
2 $0,00
3 $0,00
4 $0,00
5 $0,00
6 $0,00
7 $0,00
8 $0,00
9 $0,00
10 $0,00
11 $0,00
12 $0,00
13 $0,00
14 $0,00
15 $0,00
16 $0,00
17 $0,00
18 $0,00
19 $0,00
20 $0,00
21 $0,00
22 $0,00
$0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00 $0,00
Employee Signature Subtotal $0,00
Cash Advances
Total $0,00
Approved by
Detail for Entertainment Expenses
Note:  For Entertainment Expenses, please indicate business
purpose and who attended
*Mileage rate is 44.5 cents per mile per IRS