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The community list is archived in Nabble for visualization purposes. If you want to send a message to the list [*subscribe*|] and send your messages to *community at galicaster dot es*.

If you are familizarized with Github, check out our [Git repository|], fill issues, follow the development, comment on new features...

For a more private communication with us please contact through our email address: *galicater at*,

If you have a problem with galicaster, want to discuss a new feature or want to contribute to the project, consider subscribing to the galicaster community mailing-list:


h4. {color:#000000}{*}  /  *{color}{color:#000000}*[SUBSCRIBE|]*{color} {color:#000000}* *{color}



h4. Community Contributions

* [Tools & Extensions|Community Tools and Extensions]


<a id="nabblelink" href="">Galicaster Community List</a>
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