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RACK is a powerfull Intel i7 based unit, 4Us rack ready chasis, extremely silent, based on heavy dutty components for 24-7 operation. All ports on the front for easy deployment a support. Just 35 cm deep. It can be configured to become a worker during the night on Opencast-Matterhorn clusters.

** Available port configurations:
*** *GaliRACK-VGA* (1 VGA input)
**** Ready for HD-USB cameras.
**** Perfect for a full classroom solution with our full KIT
**** Educational Price: 2950 € + VAT (For educational or research institutions)
**** Regular Price:  ??
*** *GaliRACK-VGA-SD* 
**** Great to reuse your existent SD video infraestructure)
*** *GaliRACK-VGA-HDSDI* (great for profesional HD-SDI video quality) 
*** *GaliRACK-VGA-HDMI* (great to build Polimedia like recording facilities)
*** *GaliRACK-HDMI-HDMI* (great to record from H323/H239 videoconferencing devices)
*** Others on demand


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