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You are about to download a Galicaster software release. This software aimed to help you building Galicaster devices. With Galicaster you can record dual-stream videos in an easy way.

To get started with Galicaster, please *follow this 4 steps guide*,

h5. Step 1: Hardware requirements

Check which computer requirements you need to fulfil on *[Hardware recommendations|Galicaster:1.2.0 Hardware recommendations]*
{info}{_}The_ _[Cookbook|Galicaster:Cookbook]_ _contains several recipes to correctly configure your hardware and set up your environment._{info}

h5. Step 2: Software installation

Once the hardware is installed, follow the *[Software Installation guide|Galicaster:1.2.0 Software installation]*.
{info}{_}If you already have a Galicaster running, please check the_ _[upgrading|Upgrading from older versions]_ _documentation._{info}

h5. Step 3: Configuration

Once Galicaster is already installed is time to configure it. Take a look to the Galicaster [Configuration Guide|Galicaster:1.2.0 Galicaster Configuration].

h5. Step 4: User Experience

When everything is in place, please take a look to our *[User Guide|User Guide]* in order to get started.
{info}If something goes wrong, the [FAQ section|Galicaster:1.2.0 FAQ] may help you.{info}

The documentation will improved progressively, so do not hesitate to make suggestions.

Feel free to ask your doubts and make suggestions about Galicaster (and its documentation) to [].




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{td}{align:center}[!install_r.png|border=0,width=200!|Software installation]\\
[Software installation|Software installation] {align}{td}{tr}
[Cookbook|Galicaster:Cookbook]\\ \\
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[FAQ|Galicaster:FAQ]\\ \\
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h5. Download Galicaster v1.2

{td:align=center}[Debian package|]

By downloading, you agree to the [non-commercial license|]. (Commercial licenses also available under request)



If you are looking for previous releases of Galicaster, take a look into the [Release Archive|Galicaster:Release Archive]

h5. Documentation

# [Hardware recommendations|1.2.0 Hardware recommendations]
#* [Cookbook|Galicaster:1.2.0 Cookbook]
# [Software installation|1.2.0 Software installation]
#* [Upgrading from older versions]
# [Configuration manual|Galicaster:1.2.0 Galicaster Configuration].
# [User's Guide|1.2.0 User Guide]
#* [FAQ|Galicaster:1.2.0 FAQ]
* [Quick installation guide|Galicaster:1.2.0 Quick installation guide]
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{tip:title=Galicaster Support}
If you have any doubts or comments, consider subscribing to the galicaster community mailing-list:
*[Galicaster Community|Community]* *@*
