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There is two configuration files: conf-dist.ini and conf.ini. The idea is to set default values on the first one and use the second to set the current configuration. If any duplicated value between the two files, conf.ini values will prevail.

Other use for the two-files-configuration is to have several conf.ini. Swapping them manually allows you to change between different known configurations quickly.

The files are divided in sections. The beginning of a section is marked by a keyword indicating its title, surrounded by square brackets. Below is a detailed description of the different sections and their contents:

* Section {{basic}}
** {{admin}}: enables admin mode ({{True\|False}})
*** *False*: By default, the user will only be allowed to make recordings. Galicaster will operate as a [Galicaster Class|Galicaster:Galicaster Class]
*** *True*: Apart from recording, the user can edit metadata, play and manage the recordings. Galicaster will behave as a [Galicaster Mobile|Galicaster Mobile]
** {{repository}}: absolute path to the working folder. If not specified, a {{Repository}} directory in the user's home will be used.
** Example:
admin = True
repository = /mnt/videos/Repository

* Section {{screen}}
** {{right}}: Name of the video device in the [track list|#config_track] to be shown in the right screen ({{None}} to deactivate).
** {{left}}: Name of the video device in the [track list|#config_track] to be shown in the left screen ({{None}} to deactivate).
** {{cursor}}: Shows or hides the mouse pointer. Useful if using a tactile screen ({{True\|False}})
** Example:
right = Epiphan
left = Hauppauge
cursor = True

* Section {{ingest}}
** {{active}}: Enables the connection to a Opencast-Matterhorn server (True\|False).
** {{default}}: Enables the night ingestion of the recordings (True\|False)
** {{username}}: Matterhorn server URL.
** {{host}}: Account used to operate the Matterhorn REST endpoints.
** {{password}}: Password for the account used to operate the Matterhorn REST endpoints.
** {{workflow}}: Name of the Matterhorn Workflow to be run after the ingestion.
** Example:
active = True
default = True
username = matterhorn_system_account
host =
password = CHANGE_ME
workflow = full

* Section {{allows}}
** {{manual}}: Allows full manual control of the recordings. ({{True\|False}})
** {{start}}: If {{manual}} is false, recordings can be started manually. ({{True\|False}})
** {{stop}}: If {{manual}} is false, recordings can be stopped manually \-also the scheduled ones. ({{True\|False}})
** {{pause}}: Allows pausing a recording \-independently from the value of {{manual}}. ({{True\|False}})
** {{overlap}}: If activated, a manual recording takes priority over a scheduled one, meaning it will not stop when the scheduled one should start. Otherwise, the manual recording will be stopped and the scheduled one started.({{True\|False}})
** Example:
manual = True
start = False
stop = False
pause = True
overlap = False

* Section {{trackN}}
** A section per device used in the capturer. Each section is set according to the device type: {{hauppauge}}, {{pulse}}, {{v4l2}} or {{vga2usb}}:
*** *hauppauge*: Audio and Video device.
**** Admitted values:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: hauppauge
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. ({{presenter\|presentation\|other}})
***** {{location}}: Device's mount point of the MPEG output
***** {{locprevideo}}: Device's mount point of the RAW output
***** {{locpreaudio}}: Device's mount point of the PCM output
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
**** Example:
name = Hauppauge
device = hauppauge
flavor = presenter
location = /dev/haucamera
locpreavideo = /dev/hauprevideo
locpreaudio = /dev/haupreaudio
file = CAMERA.mpg
active = False
*** *pulse*: Audio device.
**** Admitted values:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: pulse
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. ({{presenter\|presentation\|other}})
***** {{location}}: PulseAudio source name. Use _default_ to select the same Input as the Sound Control
****** to list PulseAudio devices run:
$ pactl list | grep "Source" -A 5
and use "Name:" as the {{location}} field.
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
***** {{vumeter}}: Activates data sending to the program's vumeter. ({{True\|False}}) Only one device should be activated.
***** {{amplification}}: Gstreamer amplification value: < 1 decreases and > 1 increases volume. Values between 1 and 2 are commonly used.
**** Example:
name = AudioSource
device = pulse
flavor = presenter
location = default
file = sound.mp3
active = False
vumeter = Active
amplification = 2.0
*** *v4l2*: Video device
**** Admitted values:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: v4l2
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. ({{presenter\|presentation\|other}})
***** {{location}}: Device's mount point in the system (e.g. /dev/video0).
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
***** {{caps:&nbsp;}} GStreamer cappabilities of the device ({{mimetype=TYPE, framerate=X/Y,width=A,height=B}})
TYPE: ({{image/jpeg}} \| {{video/x-raw-yuv}})
Use GVUCView tool to know wich capabilities are compatible with your device
For more information&nbsp; [|]
***** {{videocrop}}: Margin in pixels to be cutted. Useful to set a 4:3 proportion on a HD webcam.{{videocrop-top}}, {{videocrop-bottom,}} {{videocrop-left, videocrop-right}} (optional).
**** Example:
name = Webcam
device = v4l2
flavor = presenter
location = /dev/webcam
file = WEBCAM.avi
active = False
caps = image/jpeg,framerate=25/1,width=1280,height=720
videocrop-left = 160
videocrop-right = 160
*** *vga2usb*: Video device
**** Admitted values:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: vga2usb
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. ({{presenter\|presentation\|other}})
***** {{location}}: Device's mount point in the system (e.g. /dev/video0).
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
***** {{drivertype}}: Wheter the device use a v4l or a v4l2 interface to guarantee compatibility ({{v4l\|v4l2}})
As for Ubuntu 10.10 (recommended OS) use {{v4l}}.
**** Example:
name = Epiphan
device = vga2usb
flavor = presentation
location = /dev/screen
file = SCREEN.avi
active = True
drivertype = v4l

*** *Blackmagic*: Video device
**** Admitted values:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: blackmagic
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. ({{presenter\|presentation\|other}})
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
***** {{input}}: Input signal format. (sdi\|hdmi\|opticalsdi\|component\|composite\|svideo)
***** {{input-mode}}: Input vidoe mode and framerate (1-20). More information [here|Galicaster:Blackmagic cards].
**** Example:
name = BlackmagicSDI
device = blackmagic
flavor = presenter
file = CAMERA.avi
active = True
input = sdi
input-mode = 4
