{pop-away:metadata | comments | children | labels}
There is two configuration files: *conf-dist.ini* and *conf.ini*. The idea is to set default values on the first one and use the second to set the current configuration. _If any duplicated value between the two files, conf.ini values will prevail._
Other use for the two-files-configuration is to have several conf.ini. Swapping them manually allows you to change between different known configurations quickly.
h5. Sections
The files are divided in sections. The beginning of a section is marked by a keyword indicating its title, surrounded by square brackets. Below is a detailed description of the different sections and their contents:
* Section {{basic}}
** {{admin}}: enables admin mode ({{True\|False}})
*** *False*: By default, the user will only be allowed to make recordings. Galicaster will operate as a [Galicaster Class|Galicaster:Galicaster Class]
*** *True*: Apart from recording, the user can edit metadata, play and manage the recordings. Galicaster will behave as a [Galicaster Mobile|Galicaster Mobile]
** {{repository}}: absolute path to the working folder. If not specified, a {{Repository}} directory in the user's home will be used.
** Example:
admin = True
repository = /mnt/videos/Repository
* Section {{screen}}
** {{right}}: Name of the video device in the [track list|#config_track] to be shown in the right screen ({{None}} to deactivate).
** {{left}}: Name of the video device in the [track list|#config_track] to be shown in the left screen ({{None}} to deactivate).
** {{cursor}}: Shows or hides the mouse pointer. Useful if using a tactile screen ({{True\|False}})
** Example:
right = Epiphan
left = Hauppauge
cursor = True
* Section {{ingest}}
** {{active}}: Enables the connection to a Opencast-Matterhorn server (True\|False).
** {{default}}: Enables the night ingestion of the recordings (True\|False)
** {{username}}: Account used to operate the Matterhorn REST endpoints.
** {{host}}: Matterhorn server URL.
** {{password}}: Password for the account used to operate the Matterhorn REST endpoints.
** {{workflow}}: Name of the Matterhorn Workflow to be run after the ingestion.
** Example:
active = True
default = True
username = matterhorn_system_account
host = http://admin.matterhorn.es:8080
password = CHANGE_ME
workflow = full
* Section {{allows}}
** {{manual}}: Allows full manual control of the recordings. ({{True\|False}})
** {{start}}: If {{manual}} is false, recordings can be started manually. ({{True\|False}})
** {{stop}}: If {{manual}} is false, recordings can be stopped manually \-also the scheduled ones. ({{True\|False}})
** {{pause}}: Allows pausing a recording \-independently from the value of {{manual}}. ({{True\|False}})
** {{overlap}}: If activated, a manual recording takes priority over a scheduled one, meaning it will not stop when the scheduled one should start. Otherwise, the manual recording will be stopped and the scheduled one started.({{True\|False}})
** Example:
manual = True
start = False
stop = False
pause = True
overlap = False
* Section {{trackN}}
** A section per device used in the capturer. Each section is set according to the device type: {{hauppauge}}, {{pulse}}, {{v4l2}} or {{vga2usb}}:
*** *hauppauge*: Audio and Video device.
**** Admitted values:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: hauppauge
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. ({{presenter\|presentation\|other}})
***** {{location}}: Device's mount point of the MPEG output
***** {{locprevideo}}: Device's mount point of the RAW output
***** {{locpreaudio}}: Device's mount point of the PCM output
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
**** Example:
name = Hauppauge
device = hauppauge
flavor = presenter
location = /dev/haucamera
locpreavideo = /dev/hauprevideo
locpreaudio = /dev/haupreaudio
file = CAMERA.mpg
active = False
*** *pulse*: Audio device.
**** Admitted values:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: pulse
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. ({{presenter\|presentation\|other}})
***** {{location}}: PulseAudio source name. Use _default_ to select the same Input as the Sound Control
****** to list PulseAudio devices run:
$ pactl list | grep "Source" -A 5
and use "Name:" as the {{location}} field.
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
***** {{vumeter}}: Activates data sending to the program's vumeter. ({{True\|False}}) Only one device should be activated.
***** {{amplification}}: Gstreamer amplification value: < 1 decreases and > 1 increases volume. Values between 1 and 2 are commonly used.
**** Example:
name = AudioSource
device = pulse
flavor = presenter
location = default
file = sound.mp3
active = False
vumeter = Active
amplification = 2.0
*** *v4l2*: Video device
**** Admitted values:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: v4l2
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. ({{presenter\|presentation\|other}})
***** {{location}}: Device's mount point in the system (e.g. /dev/video0).
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
***** {{caps: }} GStreamer cappabilities of the device ({{mimetype=TYPE, framerate=X/Y,width=A,height=B}})
TYPE: ({{image/jpeg}} \| {{video/x-raw-yuv}})
Use GVUCView tool to know wich capabilities are compatible with your device
For more information [http://pygstdocs.berlios.de/pygst-tutorial/capabilities.html|http://pygstdocs.berlios.de/pygst-tutorial/capabilities.html]
***** {{videocrop}}: Margin in pixels to be cutted. Useful to set a 4:3 proportion on a HD webcam.{{videocrop-top}}, {{videocrop-bottom,}} {{videocrop-left, videocrop-right}} (optional).
**** Example:
name = Webcam
device = v4l2
flavor = presenter
location = /dev/webcam
file = WEBCAM.avi
active = False
caps = image/jpeg,framerate=25/1,width=1280,height=720
videocrop-left = 160
videocrop-right = 160
*** *vga2usb*: Video device
**** Admitted values:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: vga2usb
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. ({{presenter\|presentation\|other}})
***** {{location}}: Device's mount point in the system (e.g. /dev/video0).
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
***** {{drivertype}}: Wheter the device use a v4l or a v4l2 interface to guarantee compatibility ({{v4l\|v4l2}})
As for Ubuntu 10.10 (recommended OS) use {{v4l}}.
**** Example:
name = Epiphan
device = vga2usb
flavor = presentation
location = /dev/screen
file = SCREEN.avi
active = True
drivertype = v4l
*** *blackmagic*: Video device
**** Admitted values:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: blackmagic
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. ({{presenter\|presentation\|other}})
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
***** {{input}}: Input signal format. (sdi\|hdmi\|opticalsdi\|component\|composite\|svideo)
***** {{input-mode}}: Input vidoe mode and framerate (1-20). More information [here|Galicaster:Blackmagic cards].
**** Example:
name = BlackmagicSDI
device = blackmagic
flavor = presenter
file = CAMERA.avi
active = True
input = sdi
input-mode = 4
There is two configuration files: *conf-dist.ini* and *conf.ini*. The idea is to set default values on the first one and use the second to set the current configuration. _If any duplicated value between the two files, conf.ini values will prevail._
Other use for the two-files-configuration is to have several conf.ini. Swapping them manually allows you to change between different known configurations quickly.
h5. Sections
The files are divided in sections. The beginning of a section is marked by a keyword indicating its title, surrounded by square brackets. Below is a detailed description of the different sections and their contents:
* Section {{basic}}
** {{admin}}: enables admin mode ({{True\|False}})
*** *False*: By default, the user will only be allowed to make recordings. Galicaster will operate as a [Galicaster Class|Galicaster:Galicaster Class]
*** *True*: Apart from recording, the user can edit metadata, play and manage the recordings. Galicaster will behave as a [Galicaster Mobile|Galicaster Mobile]
** {{repository}}: absolute path to the working folder. If not specified, a {{Repository}} directory in the user's home will be used.
** Example:
admin = True
repository = /mnt/videos/Repository
* Section {{screen}}
** {{right}}: Name of the video device in the [track list|#config_track] to be shown in the right screen ({{None}} to deactivate).
** {{left}}: Name of the video device in the [track list|#config_track] to be shown in the left screen ({{None}} to deactivate).
** {{cursor}}: Shows or hides the mouse pointer. Useful if using a tactile screen ({{True\|False}})
** Example:
right = Epiphan
left = Hauppauge
cursor = True
* Section {{ingest}}
** {{active}}: Enables the connection to a Opencast-Matterhorn server (True\|False).
** {{default}}: Enables the night ingestion of the recordings (True\|False)
** {{username}}: Account used to operate the Matterhorn REST endpoints.
** {{host}}: Matterhorn server URL.
** {{password}}: Password for the account used to operate the Matterhorn REST endpoints.
** {{workflow}}: Name of the Matterhorn Workflow to be run after the ingestion.
** Example:
active = True
default = True
username = matterhorn_system_account
host = http://admin.matterhorn.es:8080
password = CHANGE_ME
workflow = full
* Section {{allows}}
** {{manual}}: Allows full manual control of the recordings. ({{True\|False}})
** {{start}}: If {{manual}} is false, recordings can be started manually. ({{True\|False}})
** {{stop}}: If {{manual}} is false, recordings can be stopped manually \-also the scheduled ones. ({{True\|False}})
** {{pause}}: Allows pausing a recording \-independently from the value of {{manual}}. ({{True\|False}})
** {{overlap}}: If activated, a manual recording takes priority over a scheduled one, meaning it will not stop when the scheduled one should start. Otherwise, the manual recording will be stopped and the scheduled one started.({{True\|False}})
** Example:
manual = True
start = False
stop = False
pause = True
overlap = False
* Section {{trackN}}
** A section per device used in the capturer. Each section is set according to the device type: {{hauppauge}}, {{pulse}}, {{v4l2}} or {{vga2usb}}:
*** *hauppauge*: Audio and Video device.
**** Admitted values:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: hauppauge
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. ({{presenter\|presentation\|other}})
***** {{location}}: Device's mount point of the MPEG output
***** {{locprevideo}}: Device's mount point of the RAW output
***** {{locpreaudio}}: Device's mount point of the PCM output
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
**** Example:
name = Hauppauge
device = hauppauge
flavor = presenter
location = /dev/haucamera
locpreavideo = /dev/hauprevideo
locpreaudio = /dev/haupreaudio
file = CAMERA.mpg
active = False
*** *pulse*: Audio device.
**** Admitted values:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: pulse
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. ({{presenter\|presentation\|other}})
***** {{location}}: PulseAudio source name. Use _default_ to select the same Input as the Sound Control
****** to list PulseAudio devices run:
$ pactl list | grep "Source" -A 5
and use "Name:" as the {{location}} field.
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
***** {{vumeter}}: Activates data sending to the program's vumeter. ({{True\|False}}) Only one device should be activated.
***** {{amplification}}: Gstreamer amplification value: < 1 decreases and > 1 increases volume. Values between 1 and 2 are commonly used.
**** Example:
name = AudioSource
device = pulse
flavor = presenter
location = default
file = sound.mp3
active = False
vumeter = Active
amplification = 2.0
*** *v4l2*: Video device
**** Admitted values:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: v4l2
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. ({{presenter\|presentation\|other}})
***** {{location}}: Device's mount point in the system (e.g. /dev/video0).
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
***** {{caps: }} GStreamer cappabilities of the device ({{mimetype=TYPE, framerate=X/Y,width=A,height=B}})
TYPE: ({{image/jpeg}} \| {{video/x-raw-yuv}})
Use GVUCView tool to know wich capabilities are compatible with your device
For more information [http://pygstdocs.berlios.de/pygst-tutorial/capabilities.html|http://pygstdocs.berlios.de/pygst-tutorial/capabilities.html]
***** {{videocrop}}: Margin in pixels to be cutted. Useful to set a 4:3 proportion on a HD webcam.{{videocrop-top}}, {{videocrop-bottom,}} {{videocrop-left, videocrop-right}} (optional).
**** Example:
name = Webcam
device = v4l2
flavor = presenter
location = /dev/webcam
file = WEBCAM.avi
active = False
caps = image/jpeg,framerate=25/1,width=1280,height=720
videocrop-left = 160
videocrop-right = 160
*** *vga2usb*: Video device
**** Admitted values:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: vga2usb
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. ({{presenter\|presentation\|other}})
***** {{location}}: Device's mount point in the system (e.g. /dev/video0).
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
***** {{drivertype}}: Wheter the device use a v4l or a v4l2 interface to guarantee compatibility ({{v4l\|v4l2}})
As for Ubuntu 10.10 (recommended OS) use {{v4l}}.
**** Example:
name = Epiphan
device = vga2usb
flavor = presentation
location = /dev/screen
file = SCREEN.avi
active = True
drivertype = v4l
*** *blackmagic*: Video device
**** Admitted values:
***** {{name}}: Name assigned to the device.
***** {{device}}: Device type: blackmagic
***** {{flavor}}: Matterhorn "flavor" associated to the track. ({{presenter\|presentation\|other}})
***** {{file}}: The file name where the track will be recorded.
***** {{active}}: Whether the device will be played and recorded. ({{True\|False}})
***** {{input}}: Input signal format. (sdi\|hdmi\|opticalsdi\|component\|composite\|svideo)
***** {{input-mode}}: Input vidoe mode and framerate (1-20). More information [here|Galicaster:Blackmagic cards].
**** Example:
name = BlackmagicSDI
device = blackmagic
flavor = presenter
file = CAMERA.avi
active = True
input = sdi
input-mode = 4